The Best Crocodile Moments in One Piece, Ranked

Galdino from One Piece in his Impel Down prisoner uniform

Very few villains strike fear into the hearts of their enemies like Crocodile in One piece Series. He is a criminal mastermind with utopian goals, a former head of Baroque Works who abused his privileges as a warlord of the sea. After his defeat at Alabasta, Crocodile became a recurring character whose relevance increased considerably with the introduction of the Guild of the Cross. He will certainly be a major player in the final saga.

The self-proclaimed “King of the Desert” lives up to his nickname with the Suna Suna no Mi, an extraordinarily powerful Logia Devil Fruit that allows him to create and control sand. Best known for his fearlessness and shrewd intelligence when it comes to political stratagems, he is a dangerous threat worth his current bounty of 1,965,000,000 berries. Crocodile is also a wild card who continues to remain popular within the fandom long after his story arc ended.

10 Crocodile briefly confronts Doflamingo

“Awesome” doesn’t even begin to describe this moment.

Crocodile in the Marineford arc was a real threat. With a newfound drive to succeed, he was far stronger here than he was in the Alabasta saga. As the chaotic war raged around him, Crocodile fought with virtually every reputable name he could find. One particularly notable one involves Donquixote Doflamingo, a powerful warlord and another criminal mastermind with a penchant for brutal violence.

Upon their first encounter, Crocodile refused to submit to Doflamingo and outright rejected his offer to ally with them. Shortly after, Doflamingo uses the power of his Paramecia Devil Fruit’s rope, the Ito Ito no Mi, to decapitate Crocodile on the spot, but the latter recovers thanks to his Logia intangibility. They then face each other on equal terms. while sweeping away the nearby Marines. It’s only a brief skirmish, but it shows that Crocodile is no weakling, and that even Doflamingo should exercise caution.

9 Crocodile congratulates Galdino

It’s a rare show of respect from a former boss.

Galdino from One Piece in his Impel Down prisoner uniform

With the notable exception of Nico Robin, the rest of the Baroque Works agents were completely unaware of Crocodile’s true identity. At this point, One Piece In the Alabasta saga, he was known only by his alias Mr. 0. This meant that his relationships with his subordinates were strictly professional. Crocodile was particularly cruel if one of them betrayed him, especially the former Mr. 3 known as Galdino, who greatly feared that his boss would try to kill him.

However, when they reunited in the Impel Down arc, Crocodile proved that he wasn’t always a cold monster. Galdino proved useful during a prison break. His ability to produce wax via Doru Doru no Mi provided him with additional protection against Magellan and his Doku Doku no Mi’s highly corrosive poison. In a rare display of admiration, Crocodile recognizes his former subordinate Galdinosaying he is really impressed with his candle wall.

8 Crocodile Kills Nico Robin

He does not take the betrayal of his subordinates lightly.

Crocodile Betrays and Attacks Nico Robin in One Piece

Crocodile does not tolerate dissent within its own ranks One piece. Nico Robin, known by her codename Miss All Sunday, learns this the hard way after she betrays him at the end of the Alabasta saga. When she fails to give him the full context of a Poneglyph she has read, A very annoyed crocodile stabs Robin in the back with his golden hook. Even a fellow administrative manager at Baroque Works is not immune to his wrath.

Even more impressive, Crocodile makes it all seem too easy. Robin is a dangerous assassin who can grow limbs anywhere thanks to the Hana Hana no Mi, but he masterfully dodges her attacks when he goes in for the kill. She eventually survives, but only because Crocodile doesn’t bother to finish the job when he’s busy dealing with other problems. Ultimately, he only serves himself in the grand scheme of things, and the rest of his organization is nothing more than collateral damage.

7 Crocodile sets trap for straw hats

The bad guy plays with his food like a cat with a mouse.

Zoro and Luffy travel in the Alabasta arc in One Piece

While visiting Rain Dinners, Luffy and most of his crewmates are sent straight to a VIP room, courtesy of Miss All Sunday following Crocodile’s orders. THE One piece equivalent of a James Bond The villain prepares a trap for the straw hatswith Smoker and Tashigi, capturing them in a sea stone cage that nullifies the Devil Fruit’s abilities. Crocodile has them at his mercy when he throws away the only key to a nearby Bananawani.

He floods the entire room after revealing his master plan to overthrow the royal family of Alabasta. However, due to a clever distraction from Sanji’s alter ego, Crocodile is forced to flee his own casino when he realizes his millions have been effortlessly defeated by a “Mr. Prince”. If not for Sanji, the head of Baroque Works would have managed to drown the Straw Hats, ending their adventure right there and then.

6 Crocodile Escapes Through Impel Down

He forms unlikely alliances with his former enemies

Luffy stands alongside Crocodile, Ivankov and others on Level 6 of Impel Down

The greatest strength of the Impel Down arc is the unpredictable nature of the prison break. Without the rest of his crew to save him, Luffy is forced to rely on his fellow inmates to be able to escape, which is a departure from the usual One piece formula. Although he quickly befriends Jinbe and Ivankov, Luffy is very hesitant to work alongside Crocodile, who nearly destroyed Vivi’s home country for his own selfish gain.

However, with Ivankov’s threat of blackmail, Crocodile plays well and unexpectedly teams up with his old enemy Luffy. The prisoners of Level 6 slowly make their way to the surface, making their way through several guards while avoiding the unstoppable wrath of Warden Magellan. There’s something very special about seeing Luffy and Crocodile temporarily put aside their differences in order to make it to Marineford.

5 The crocodile defends Luffy against the Marines

The former antagonist stands in Akainu’s way

Crocodile and Luffy will never be friends in the One piece but the former has a grudging respect for the latter. This is best seen in the final acts of the Marineford arc. Admiral Akainu aggressively goes after the Straw Hat after he cold-bloodedly murders his sworn brother Ace. However, despite the dangerous threat he poses with his Magu Magu no Mi, This is not enough to deter the intrepid Crocodile when he makes a spectacular save.

After using Sables to cause a whirlwind of sand that carries Luffy and Jinbe away, Crocodile and the other Whitebeard Pirates face an extremely enraged Akainu, who is among the most powerful fighters on the entire battlefield. Regardless, they are still determined to save Luffy and fend off the admiral with all their might. Crocodile also survives the encounter without a scratch, a rarity among the vast majority of Akainu’s opponents.

4 Crocodile officially forms the Cross Guild

He is the brains of the entire operation in the New World.

Mihawk and Crocodile threaten Buggy after hearing that he introduced himself as the leader of the Cross Guild.

Well over a decade in real time after the One piece In Timeskip, Crocodile finally becomes relevant to the story again when he makes a move after the Wano Country arc. When he demanded Buggy to hand over the money he owed him, Crocodile took control of the clown’s delivery service. With the abolition of the warlord system, Crocodile and Dracule Mihawk formed a powerful alliance known as the Cross Guildwith Buggy as the puppet figurehead.

Crocodile keeps his promise to get revenge on the Marines by offering them bounties. While the world mistakenly believes Buggy to be the leader of the Cross Guild, the former warlords are content to see him take the blame. Crocodile and Mihawk warn everyone with their mercenary organization. Even the supposed defenders of justice are not safe in the final saga, as several Marines are hunted down by random civilians.

3 The crocodile inflicts Luffy’s first decisive defeat.

He sets the bar high for every villain that follows him.

Crocodile defeats Luffy with a hook during their first encounter in One Piece's Alabasta Arc

Crocodile is historically significant for his narrative contributions in One piece. The main antagonist of the Alabasta saga is the first villain to completely crush Luffy in a direct confrontation. Arlong, Kuro, and Don Krieg put up decent fights, but they were clearly small fish against Crocodile. Luffy has never faced a Logia Devil Fruit user before, and without a way to bypass Crocodile’s intangibility, all of the Straw Hats’ attacks completely miss.

It doesn’t help that Luffy is fighting in the middle of a desert either, a home-field advantage for someone who uses sand attacks. Crocodile quickly finishes Luffy off with a hook right through his abdomen, leaving him swallowed by the quicksand. It’s a startling reminder that Luffy is still a rookie pirate facing an extremely powerful warlord. Crocodile is the first real challenge he has to overcome, but it won’t be easy.

2 Crocodile Wins Rematch Against Luffy

Straw Hat is still outmatched by Logia Devil Fruit user

Crocodile uses his Devil Fruit to absorb the moisture from Monkey D. Luffy's body in one piece.

Luffy learned a lot from his previous encounter with Crocodile. The main protagonist of the One piece The series brings a barrel filled with water this time, as it knows that any contact with liquid cancels the villain’s intangibility in the sand. Luffy is very resourceful in his rematch and even lands several direct hits. Unfortunately, despite the hero’s best efforts, The crocodile always emerges victorious thanks to its ability to dehydrate itself. opponents with just one touch.

The crime boss is absolutely terrifying when he destroys his surroundings. He catches Luffy off guard, long enough for Crocodile to defeat him a second time. The Straw Hat is reduced to a dry shell. Nevertheless, he recovers shortly after for a third and final encounter, but there is no denying that Crocodile is clearly the superior fighter at this point. Regardless, his tendency to leave his opponents unchecked is his downfall.

1 The crocodile finally suffers a humiliating defeat

It took Luffy three attempts, but he managed to pull off a surprise.

Luffy is still determined to defeat Crocodile once and for all. The scene takes place in the Tomb of the Kings mausoleum. With a little luck and a little blood on his hands, the Straw Hat is finally able to land some consistent blows on the One piece wicked. Luffy unleashes his Gomu Gomu no Bazooka on Crocodile and throws it upwards, shattering the bedrock and knocking out his opponent. It’s a hard-won victory for the hero.

What’s most interesting is that unlike most of the series’ climactic battles that use original music, Crocodile’s defeat takes place to the tune of the fourth movement of Antonin Dvorak’s famous New World Symphony. Toei Animation’s use of classical music makes the moment even more powerful. Crocodile was a charismatic force of nature, but his downfall is nonetheless very satisfying to watch. He’ll certainly go down as one of the greatest shonen villains.

The cast of One Piece, including Brooke, Nami, Monkey D. Luffy, Sanji, Chopper, and Carrot, reunite during the Whole Cake arc of One Piece.

One piece

Created by Eiichiro Oda, the One Piece franchise explores the adventures of the pirate Luffy D. Monkey and his crew, the Straw Hats. Since the manga’s release in 1997, One Piece has been adapted into an anime that has led to several films. More recently, it was adapted into a live-action series by Netflix.

Created by
Eiichirō Oda

First TV show
One piece

Latest TV Show
Netflix’s One Piece

First episode air date
October 20, 1999

Mayumi Tanaka, Kazuya Nakai, Colleen Clinkenbeard, Christopher Sabat, Kerry Williams, Kappei Yamaguchi, Sonny Strait, Hiroaki Hirata, Eric Valette, Ikue Ootani