Home Curiosities The 2 Most Iconic Fights Between Daredevil and Wolverine

The 2 Most Iconic Fights Between Daredevil and Wolverine

The 2 Most Iconic Fights Between Daredevil and Wolverine

Daredevil And Glutton They had two clashes that stand out from their other encounters.

Superhero fights, which usually end with both characters resolving their initial differences and joining forces against a common enemy, whose intention was usually to antagonize them so that they could not defeat him, is a resource that has been widely used in movies, television series, video games and, of course, in the world of comics, which is what interests us in this article.

Recently, two superheroes have been seen in the comic in Daredevil #7 (2024), against Saladin Ahmed And Aaron Kuder respectively as scriptwriter and artist of the adventure titled Introductory Rites, Part Sevenwhose protagonists are Daredevil And Gluttonalthough the latter did not, at that time, have full control of his body. For this reason, there is no doubt that this is a good opportunity to remember his two best fights, even though none of them are in the list of the four most particular fights of the adamantium-clawed mutant.

Daredevil, the man without fear #249 (1987)

Daredevil, Wolverine

Let’s start with this comic, since it was the first one published, inside which we find an adventure called Kiss and Killwith a script Anna Nocenti and drawings of Rick Leonardieven though the plot that takes place in this comic had begun in the previous episode.

How significant is this adventure with the protagonist Daredevil And Glutton it was noted in the fact that Comics Forum (who, at that time, was responsible for the publications of wonder in Spain) has decided to choose it as a starting point, in our country, for the second volume of the adventures of the alter ego of Mattia DeMartino. And no one can doubt that starting a character’s second career by fighting against another publisher’s heavyweight is a guaranteed success.

However, despite what is shown on the cover that accompanies this section, the fight between Daredevil And Gluttonfar from extending to the entire comic, it was limited to resolving itself in a couple of pages, while in the rest of the comic they decided to join forces to investigate the same case together, despite it being a decidedly unconventional team like his Logan He recognized it when he greeted his companion in adventures in the following terms:

Daredevil…you and I…we are very different…

Wolverine #24 (2005)

Daredevil, WolverineDaredevil, Wolverine

As we said at the beginning of the article, there are two cases to analyze, so we have to go forward a few years to get to the other comparison that stands out between Daredevil And Gluttonwhich took place in the comic Enemy of the State: Part 5by the work of Mark Millar And Giovanni Romita Jr.

However, although the content of this issue focuses on the struggle waged between Daredevil And Gluttonthe truth is that, throughout the saga, the blind superhero was not the only one to have to face the grumpy Loganas the Canadian mutant was under the mind control of the criminal organization known as Handwhich led him to face a large number of superheroes Marvel Universeof which Daredevil He was just another one.

In case there is someone who is so far behind in their reading that they have not yet read this adventure but intends to, which would demonstrate that they have very good taste, we will not spoil how this adventure of Daredevil And Gluttoneven if you can already get an idea of ​​how complicated it must have been for the alter ego of Mattia DeMartinofrom Logan In full use of his mental faculties he is already a rather fearsome enemy, so he is even more dangerous when he is brainwashed by a murderous organization.

Other minor clashes between Daredevil and Wolverine

Daredevil, WolverineDaredevil, Wolverine

Of course, taking into account the long editorial existence that each of these characters carries with them, it would be strange if Daredevil And Glutton They would not have been seen on more occasions than those mentioned in the previous sections, especially if we take into account the bad character that the Canadian usually displays, who does not need many reasons to get involved in a fight.

Therefore, both characters had more clashes, like when the tables turned and so it was Daredevil what ended up under the control of Hand. However, the two we have mentioned in the previous paragraphs are the ones that should have remained most impressed in the minds of those readers who have been fortunate enough to read these copies.
