The 10 Best Fantastic Four Vehicles, Ranked

The classic Fantastic Four with the modern team in the background

Before the Avengers captured audiences on the big screen and the X-Men took the world by storm, there was Fantastic Four. Launched in 1961, the Fantastic Four were Marvel’s first superhero team and the title that ushered in the Marvel era of comics, cementing the house of ideas as a force in the comic book industry and paving the way for the ever-expanding Marvel Universe that we know. Today.

With all their extraordinary powers, the Fantastic Four are scientists first and foremost, using science and technology to explore the universe and beyond. Among their many adventures, the Fantastic Four developed many different vehicles and gadgets in their quest for scientific discovery, some becoming staples of the Fantastic Four franchise and others long forgotten in comic book history.


15 Best Fantastic Four Comics, Ranked

With Fantastic Four hitting theaters soon, it’s a good time to check out some of the best stories that explore Marvel’s iconic First Family.

10 The Fantasti-Copter is Reed Richards’ worst invention

Creative Team: Stan Lee, Jack Kirby, Sol Brodsky, Art Simek

Reed Richards and Ben Grim take the fantastic helicopter to save Susan Storm.

Of the many vehicles used by the Fantastic Four over the years, the Fantasti-Copter is by far the most useless.. The Fantastic Four also seemed to think so, since the vehicle appeared in Fantastic Four #3 (1961) and was permanently stored in the Baxter Building. Not only is the Fantasti-Copter just a normal helicopter, but it debuted in the same issue as the Fantasti-Car which also flies, making the helicopter even more useless.

Reed Richards and Ben Grim take the Fantasti-Copter to save the invisible woman in the issue. However, Mister Miracle immediately sabotages the helicopter, forcing the team to take a car in pursuit of the villain. The Fantasti-Copter was then forgotten in favor of the Fantasti-Car, much cooler and more suitable for a team of super-scientists.

9 The Pogo plane was useful at the time

Creative Team: Stan Lee, Jack Kirby, Sol Brodsky, Art Simek

An interior view of Fantastic Four's Baxter Building with all of their vehicles, including the Pogo Plane.

The Pogo-Plane was the Fantastic Four’s original long-range vehicle. Half missile and half airplane, it allowed the team to quickly travel around the world with jet propulsion and a backup rocket system to perform limited spaceflight.. The Pogo-Plane served the team well in their early issues and reappeared several times throughout the Fantastic Four’s history with more modern, updated versions built by Reed.


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Most Marvel heroes rely on their powers to get around, although a few characters and organizations have used impressive vehicles over the years.

Unlike the Fantasti-Copter, the Pogo-Plane had practical uses for the team and allowed them to expand beyond the confines of New York City. The Pogo-Plane also allowed more cargo space for the Fantastic Four’s many gadgets and gadgets to make their adventures easier. The plane could comfortably accommodate the Fantasti-Car and land in any terrain thanks to its specialized landing gear, making it the ideal vehicle to take the team to new and dangerous locations.

8 The Air-Jet cycle made the Fantastic Four more mobile

Creative Team: Stan Lee, Jack Kirby, Sol Brodsky, Art Simek

Franklin Richards takes a joy ride on an Air Jet Cycle
Esad Ribic

The Airjet-Cycle is a smaller, more compact vehicle, capable of accommodating multiple passengers, but more suited to single-person travel. Unlike the separate sections of the Fantasti-Car, The Airjet-Cycle allowed the Fantastic Four more maneuverability at higher speeds, making it easier to navigate the New York City landscape.

The Airjet-Cycle has had many different designs, with Jack Kirby’s original design being a series of tubes attached to a fuel tank with three seats. More recent iterations have made the cycles more modern, but the basic concept of the cycle has remained the same. While not the most advanced vehicle in the Fantastic Four’s garage, the design worked so well that the Avengers later adopted something similar for their own Sky Cycles.

7 The ultimate Fantasti-Car was a little more subtle

Creative Team: Warren Ellis, Stuart Immonen, Wade Von Grawbadger, Dave Stewart, VC Chris Eliopoulos

The Ultimate Fantasti-Car floats in place as the Fantastic Four look on.

The Ultimate Universe has redefined Marvel Comics, offering readers new versions of classic characters and their vehicles. The Ultimate Fantasti-Car is as different from its 616 counterpart as it is from its Reed Richards. It looks more like a modern smart car than a spaceship and is designed for travel rather than superhero adventures.


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Reed Richards is better known as Mr. Fantastic, but many forget that he has an astonishing scientific mind. Here are some of his best inventions.

Earth-1610’s Fantasti-Car can reach speeds of up to Mach 7 thanks to a zero-point energy engine and is equipped with force fields inspired by Tony Stark. Reed Richards built the Fantasti-Car when he was 13 to run away from his parents, a stark contrast to the Fantasti-Car used by 616 Fantastic Four, built for family adventures. While the car had the potential to be the Ultimate Fantastic Four’s primary means of transportation, it was unfortunately destroyed by Dr. Doom in the very next issue.

6 Honey, the Reducta-Craft shrank the Fantastic Four

Creative Team: Stan Lee, Jack Kirby, Sol Brodsky, Art Simek

The Fantastic Four stand around the Reducta ship, preparing to go into the microverse.

The adventures of the Fantastic Four have taken them almost everywhere. Different galaxies, planets and even entire universes require much more than a car or a helicopter. The Reducta-Craft uses Pym particles to shrink until the craft can break through the universe barrier and allow the Fantastic Four to navigate the microverse.

The Reducta-Craft was one of the Fantastic Four’s first vehicles that allowed them to escape the limits of Earth and push the limits of their adventures. Although the Reducta-Craft has not been used by the team for many years, it was recently brought back from the dusty corners of the Baxter Building during the recent Fantastic Four #23 (by Ryan North, Ivan Fiorelli, Jesus Aburtov and VC Joe Caramagna).

5 Negative Zone Portal Charts New Ground for Marvel

Creative Team: Stan Lee, Jack Kirby, Sol Brodsky, Art Simek

Of all the places the Fantastic Four have found themselves, few places are more dangerous than the Negative Zone, an antimatter dimension parallel to our own and home to otherworldly villains such as Blastaar and Annihilus. The Negative Zone Portal began as a giant cube-shaped structure that allowed Reed to travel to the Negative Zone in search of a way to master space-time.


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Superheroes and other characters in the Marvel Universe have often used vehicles to move quickly and fight bad guys, these are the best.

Although not a vehicle in the typical sense, the Negative Zone Portal is still used to travel from one location to another, even if it is on another plane of dimensional existence. The Negative Zone portal opened up a whole new world not only for the Fantastic Four but for all of Marvel.the dimension playing a central role in many future stories such as Annihilation event and used as a prison during the 2006 event Civil war event (by Mark Millar, Steve McNiven, Dexter Vines, Morry Hollowell, VC Chris Eliopoulos).

4 The Fantasti-Car Model 1 is a classic

Creative Team: Stan Lee, Jack Kirby, Sol Brodsky, Art Simek

The Fantastic Four looks at the classic Fantasticar.

Known as the Bathtub, the original Fantasti-Car could carry 1,200 pounds and travel 60 mph. It could also be separated into four pieces, which would become a common feature of Fantasti-Cars, each capable of traveling 30 mph. Used by the team to travel around the city, the original Fantasti-Car was more of a luxury vehicle than later versions, but it still served the team well in their early adventures.

Although the Fantastic Four have improved the Fantasti-Car over the years, nothing compares to the original.. The car was used less and less as the team progressed and learned new ways to use its powers, but the Fantasti-Car remains an essential piece to any iteration of the Fantastic Four.

3 The Time Sleigh has become an important part of Marvel history

Creative team: Walt Simonson, Christie Scheele, Bill Oakley

The Fantastic Four, along with Thor and Iron Man, revolve around Reed Richard's latest invention, The Time Sled.
Walt Simonson

Reed Richards invented the Time-Sled machine to navigate time and space. The first version of the Time-Sled was called Rosebud II and was used by the Fantastic Four, along with Thor and Iron Man, to destroy a time bubble in the future of Earth-8810, but it was destroyed by the TVA and lost. the time flow.


Fantastic Four: 10 best versions of the Fantasticar

The latest Fantasticar was shown at SDCC, which took inspiration from other fan-favorite versions of the Fantastic Four comics, cartoons and films.

Although only used a few times by the Fantastic Four, the Time Sleigh became an important part of Marvel history when Kang discovered the Rosebud II and used it to conquer time. The Time-Sled was last seen in Al Ewing’s Venom run, with Kang lending the sled to Eddie Brock in his journey to become the new King in Black (by Al Ewing, C Cafu, Frank D’Armata , VC Clayton Cowles).

2 The Marvel-1 created the Marvel Universe

Creative Team: Stan Lee, Jack Kirby, Sol Brodsky, Art Simek

Marvel-1 explodes in space and the Fantastic Four gain their powers

The ship that started it all. Reed Richards designed and built the Marvel-1 with an experimental hyperdrive. It was the rocket that carried the group of scientists to the stars, where they would be hit by cosmic rays and return, as superpowered family readers know today. Without Marvel-1, there would be no Fantastic Four and probably no Marvel Comics at all.

The ship was originally known as the Pocket Rocket, but was later given its official name, The Marvel-1, in the pages of 2019. Fantastic Four #14 (by Dan Slott, Paco Medina, Jesus Aburtov, VC Joe Caramagna). It’s a fitting tribute not only to Marvel’s First Family, but also to the creation of the Marvel we know today. The introduction of the Fantastic Four forever changed the comic book landscape and allowed Marvel to continue to push the boundaries of the world beyond our window.

1 The Fantasti-Car MK II remains the main vehicle of the Fantastic Four

Creative Team: Stan Lee, Jack Kirby, Sol Brodsky, Art Simek

The Fantasti-Car MK II is an improved version of the original Fantasti-Car bathtub, designed and maintained by Johnny Storm. The car is a massive 27-foot hybrid flying vehicle that can also be driven on land, reaching up to 550 mph and an altitude of 30,000 feet. Even if the bathtub is a classic, This is what Fantasti-Car readers most likely think of when they hear the words Fantastic Four car.

Like its predecessor, the craft could also be split into four separate vehicles, but each is its own mini-spacecraft, unlike the flying boxes of the MK I. While many artists have depicted the Fantasti-Car over its many years of service, the basic structure has remained unchanged. The MK II was introduced very shortly after the bathtub model’s debut, but has remained the primary vehicle of the Fantastic Four to this day.