Superman is reborn in the new Absolute universe

Superman is reborn in the new Absolute universe

A new era begins for Superman in the new universe created by DC Comics

At the heart of the DC Universe, a seismic shift is about to alter everything we thought we knew about the Man of Steel. This week, “Absolute Superman #1” hits stores, promising a bold reconceptualization of the iconic superhero. Jason Aaron and Rafa Sandoval, both recognized for their impactful contributions to the world of comics, have come together to bring us this new vision.

Absolute Superman #1, Jason Aaron Superman, Lazarus Corp, new Krypton

A paradigm shift

From the first page we are transported to an unknown Krypton. Here the Klerics of the Scientific League dominate, who exploit the planet’s resources and its red sun, a recipe for the announced disaster. In this environment we find Lara Lor-Van, Superman’s mother, far from the scientific elite, repairing the combines at the Red Farms after being rejected by the Klerics. The question of whether Jor-El continues to be Superman’s father remains up in the air, marking the beginning of multiple dramatic changes in the saga.

Speaking to Newsarama, Aaron revealed that this series will face the Man of Tomorrow with adversity like never before. The cover of the second issue shows us the confrontation with an army of Peacemakers, just the tip of the iceberg of what awaits us. Lazarus Corp emerges as the main threat, distant from Superman’s typical enemies and more in line with the new struggles and challenges the superhero will face on Earth.

A return to the origins of a hero, reinterpreted

In this renewed saga, Clark faces ethical dilemmas and threats that go beyond the simple dichotomy of good and evil, reflecting the contemporary and universal conflicts that our society faces. Aaron wove a narrative which deeply explores Superman’s identity and his place in a world that can’t always be saved with brute force or superpowers. The choice to present the Klerics as the ruling class not only redefines the political structure of Krypton, but also raises questions about science, power and ethics in a society on the brink of self-destruction.

Furthermore, the inclusion of the Lazarus Corporation as the central antagonist opens new avenues to explore themes of corruption and redemption. The decision to distance itself from the typical clashes between Superman and Lex Luthor not only refreshes the series, but challenges readers to question what truly constitutes a villain in the Superman universe. With this approach, Absolute Superman n. 1 It not only promises action and adventure, but also a profound reflection on heroism in difficult times.

Absolute Superman #1, Jason Aaron Superman, Lazarus Corp, new Krypton

An unprecedented story

Aaron himself emphasizes that his approach aims to reverse the standard; where we would normally find familiar characters in expected settings, here nothing is as it should be. This destroyed environment reflects a world that has failed to follow its intended course, a theme that resonates deeply throughout the plot. Furthermore, the author consciously chooses to move away from the classic rivalry between Superman and Lex Luthor, introducing Lazarus Corp not only as an antagonist, but as a reflection of the darker aspects that Superman has seen on our planet.

Below, you can take a look at some preview pages from “Absolute Superman #1,” in which Sandoval and Aaron immerse us in a vibrant and visually shocking narrative, stripping the last son of Krypton of his strength, his family and his home, leaving him we find ourselves faced with an absolute, unprecedented and profoundly human son of Krypton.

Absolute Superman #1, Jason Aaron Superman, Lazarus Corp, new Krypton

This comic not only redefines a character, but reconfigures the narratives that surround him, inviting us to explore the complexities of a Superman facing a world that has never been more uncertain or more in need of heroes. “Absolute Superman #1” promises to be a milestone in comic book history, reinventing not just one character but an entire universe.