Star Trek: Omega marks the end of an era for franchise comics

Star Trek

The great result of Star Trek and Star Trek: Defiant comes with a special number loaded with emotions and surprises

Star Trek Comics, Lore Star Trek, Star Trek Defiant, Star Trek Omega

The IDW publication is ready to close an important chapter in the history of the comics of Star Trek with the launch of OmegaA single 40 -page blow that promises to be a shocking result for the events narrated in the series Star Trek y Star Trek: challenged. After more than two years of interconnected adventures, this comic will serve as an epilogue for the saga and an entrance door to what will come forward in the publishing house.

An emotional ending and a new hope

Written by Collin Kelly and Jackson Lanzing (Star Trek), Junto with Christopher Cantwell (Star Trek: challenged), and with art of the artists themselves who gave birth to these stories, Omega will focus on the characters after the events of Traditional war. While some align with what fans expect for the events of the film Star Trek: NemesisOthers will receive surprising turns that can mark the future of the franchise in the comic.

Heather Antos, editor of the group, shared some words on the impact of this phase:

“How can emotions be expressed to close a phase of almost three years of comics? It is impossible to say. Two series acclaimed by critics, events that have shaken the franchise, different parallel and one-shot stories … What Jackson, Collin, Chris and the entire artistic team are pure alchemy of comics. Omega It is the culmination of the love of these creators for Star TrekAnd I hope it is remembered as one of the most emotional and profound stories not only of the saga, but of the comic in general.

The official synopsis of Omega advances the following:

“Two and a half years of comics covering 60 years of history of Star TrekSeveral prizes and more than an explosive interruption of the universe and everything has brought us so far …

Star Trek: Omega It is the result of the acclaimed stories of Star Trek y Star Trek: challengedAs well as the first look at what will come. Crese’s crews, Defiant and Enterprise work to restore the universe after the intervention of the evil Android tradition. Each hero will find his own destiny in predictable or unexpected forms, with scenes illustrated by some of the most representative artists of the saga. This end pays homage to all those who have been part of this journey.

Star Trek Comics, Lore Star Trek, Star Trek Defiant, Star Trek OmegaStar Trek Comics, Lore Star Trek, Star Trek Defiant, Star Trek Omega

The future of Star Trek in the comics is insured

While Omega He put an end to this era of franchise comics, Idw publishing has renewed his license with fundamental, ensuring that the stories of the Federation and beyond will continue to explore in the future. According to the editorial, the details on the next phase of the comics will soon be revealed Of the Trekkie Universe.

The special Omega The next sale will do so May 12thSo fans of the saga must be careful to find out how this exciting journey ends … and what new adventures await on the horizon.

Ready for the last trip of this phase?

The main bad guy of this story, LoreIt is one of the most intriguing figures within the universe Star Trek. Like the evil twin brother of DataThis Android was a constant threat, highlighting his intelligence and lack of empathy. During the saga, he proved to be a formidable enemy for the crew of the Businessmanipulating other androids and even taking control of whole ships. Your intervention in the event Traditional war led to unprecedented chaos, which does Star Trek: Omega In an essential conclusion to close the narrative arc.

Star Trek Comics, Lore Star Trek, Star Trek Defiant, Star Trek OmegaStar Trek Comics, Lore Star Trek, Star Trek Defiant, Star Trek Omega

Unlike other bad iconic of Star TrekAs Khan Noonien Singh Or off BorgTradition not only represents a physical, but also philosophical threat. While the data struggle to understand and assimilate humanity, his twin brother embodies the dark side of artificial intelligence, showing to what extent a machine can go without moral consciousness. This conflict between brothers was a recurring theme in the saga and its result in Omega It will mark a turning point in the history of comics and franchise in general.