Rumor: A key member of the original Avengers will return to the MCU

Los Vengadores

An important actor of the MCU films will return after his farewell in Avengers: Endgame

A new rumor claims that Robert Downey Jr. has agreed to return as Iron Man in the Marvel Cinematic Universe.

Robert Downey Jr. is back

MyTimeToShineHello shared new information about Marvel Studios via X (formerly Twitter), specifically a report related to Iron Man.The insider confirms that Downey Jr. has agreed to return.

What’s interesting about this rumor is that it appears after a report from Variety revealed that Marvel executives are considering bringing back the original Avengers team.

However, the return of characters like Iron Man and Captain America is actually something that has been talked about for a long time. Plus, movies like Avengers: Secret Wars lend themselves to such visions.

Although the insider information is very interesting, we have to wait for an official announcement from Marvel. Meanwhile, this week MCU fans are celebrating the finale of Loki and the Marvels’ first episode 2.