Review of V for Vendetta (the great DC graphic novels).

    V de Vendetta

    Alan Moore and David Lloyd created V for Vendetta, one of the most important comics on any list, and now ECC Ediciones is releasing a new edition of this must-have classic.

    Regardless of each person’s personal preferences, there is a select group of comics that we can all identify as works of popular honor that have significant significance in the history of ninth century art. Guardians, The Dark Knight Returns, Sandman or Preacher are some titles that could be included in this group along with Awesome V for Vendetta, of which ECC Ediciones has published a new edition.

    Remember, remember, November 5

    Similar to works like Fahrenheit 451 or 1984, Alan Moore constructs a society in which the people are deprived not only of their freedom, but of their individuality and the ability to think, create and dream. . A fascist regime rules England by putting the boots on the neck of citizens who do not fully conform to the social, political and economic ideals of their leader.

    This work, born, like many novels with the leitmotif of rebellion, during the reign of Margaret Thatcher, is, properly understood, a hymn to freedom, tolerance and the pursuit of happiness. The search for these fundamental principles is included in the story’s protagonist V, a sensitive person with a past and responsible for identifying the less positive aspects of this type of activity, the more aggressive nature.

    V is the fruit of society as presented here, which abhors the different and poses a certain threat to the status quo. And for reasons that become clear as the pages are turned, he is determined to overthrow the system and commit unforgivable acts to exact revenge on those who deserve his wrath.

    In the year but to sell his body. Eve becomes the reader’s point of view, and through her eyes we meet V and start on this journey, which must end the way it began – with a big bang.

    Vendada v

    A child of the eighties

    In the 1980s, you’ll find many examples of fantastical comics written by British authors around the world, a direct response to the political ups and downs England was going through at the time. It’s always been said that the worse a nation’s leaders are, the better their writers write comics, and considering the quality of Vine for Vendetta, Thatcher must be a terrible leader.

    But the time when this story was published is clear not only in what it tells us, but also in how it tells it. David Lloyd does his life’s work here in an extremely effective imprecise line, with his ability to condense ideas and create the perfect environment using very few elements.

    Born to be printed in black and white (something that is obvious if you look at Lloyd’s work), this work is a narrative monster. All of Lloyd’s graphic simplicity serves as a tool to create page settings that work like clockwork, a perfect technique that marks each sequence of the story with absolute precision.

    Alan Moore, DC, DC Comics, ECC Ediciones, V for Vendetta

    Basic work

    It may not have been until the turn of the century, when James McTeague adapted the film with Natalie Portman, Hugo Weaving, Stephen Rea, Stephen Fry and John Hart, that the general public became aware of this story. Overnight, Guy Fawkes masks began to be sold on every corner, becoming the nameless symbol of a hacktivist group. But comics readers have always had this work on the altar since the first issue.

    This edition is a new opportunity, missed all the previous ones, to capture a work of fundamental importance in the history of comics. Unfortunately, it’s a job that may be more important today than ever before.

    This volume is presented in hardcover, has 288 color pages and includes a translation of the American edition of V for Vendetta, as well as additional content including articles written by Moore himself. It has a recommended retail price of €36.50 and goes on sale in September 2023.

    Revenge v

    V for Vendetta (The Greatest of DC Graphic Novels)

    V for Vendetta is one of the most personal and masterful works of its writers: Alan Moore (Watchmen, Batman: The Killing Joke) and David Lloyd (Hellblazer). In this edition, now in cartoon format and with an abundance of material, we relive the story of the legendary V.

    V for Vendetta, one of the comics industry’s greatest masterpieces and co-authors Alan Moore and David Lloyd, is a harrowing and terrifying true story about freedom and the loss of identity. An individual immersed in a hostile, cold and tyrannical world. Set against the backdrop of a fictional England that has fallen under fascist rule, it explores both life in a repressive police state and the power of rebellion and the human spirit against oppression and oppression.

    Autores: Alan Moore, David Lloyd, Steve Whitaker and Shioban Dodds