Review of “Player’s Handbook”, the new essential edition of Dungeons and Dragons

Review of "Player's Handbook", the new essential edition of Dungeons and Dragons

Here comes the “Player’s Handbook”, the revised and updated Player’s Manual. At its dawn, Dungeons and Dragons, Dungeons and Dragons, D&Dhad three books known as the “core books”. They were and are and will be essential. The Player’s Handbook, the Monster Manual and the Master’s Guide. Throughout the history of the best role-playing games, these books have been used for all games. So it was time for a new version, and it came into our hands from the hand of Wizards of the Coast “Player’s Handbook” (which is currently only available in English). Or, what is the same thing, the new Player’s Handbook. And because it couldn’t be otherwise, the trio is complete.

The Player’s Handbook is the essential guide for players, it is the Player’s Handbook

The three books serve different functions in the world of Dungeons and Dragons. A much needed second edition was released at the time, which set the path forward, with many corrections that helped make the games more dynamic and fun. Manuals that have evolved and incorporated elements that make this game a living game, a game that adapts and modernizes as the editions come out.

But the book in question is the one known as the Player’s Handbook (and players’). The “Player’s Handbook” is a complete guide especially to character creation. But it’s not just that, it’s much more. To begin with, it explains in a clear and detailed way the dynamics of the game, the actions of the players and the interactions with the campaigns and the decisions of the master. Some essential first steps to delve into the role-playing game, to replay it or simply to refresh some concepts of the game.

This revision and expansion of the “Player’s Handbook” is an essential reference for players of all Fifth Edition books and campaigns. It contains the rules for character creation and much more. It explains magic, the rules of combat and exploration, equipment, spells, gear, and everything in detail and explained.

Thes breeds It is the first step in creating the character and, in this respect, it has been modernized by taking another step. The most notable thing in this respect, in this edition, is the specific mention of the free choice of sexual preferences of the player character, giving the freedom to represent all the possibilities of our reality, also mentioning “that some elves are made in the image and likeness of their god Corellon, who in some cases can be Anodyne (without apparent sex) or Hermaphrodite (possessing the characteristics of both sexes).

Dungeons and Dragons, Dungeons and Dragons, Role Playing Games, Role Playing Game Books, Player's Handbook, Player's Handbook

The same thing happens with the classesall explained in the book, in detail and with all the possible variations. Mixing classes and races is one of the first challenges for those who approach the world of role-playing games. THE classes They are perhaps one of the most complex elements of the role, since evolving and mixing them is a real challenge. That’s why this book exists, because choosing to be a wizard is not just about knowing how to cast spells. Detailed tables explain how to grow your character and fill it with personality, in an open and almost unrestricted way.

Dungeons and Dragons, Dungeons and Dragons, Role Playing Games, Role Playing Game Books, Player's Handbook, Player's Handbook

New arts to explore the imagination of the characters

One of the highlights of this edition is the care with which the illustrations are taken care of, adapted to the current times. Modern art of all kinds. From the cities of origin of the classes and races, to the variants of the characters to adapt them to our tastes. This is where the subclasses become protagonists, the most fun way to combine skills and create personality for our characters. A mage thief is not crazy, but a paladin thief can be. And it can be done.

Dungeons and Dragons, Dungeons and Dragons, Role Playing Games, Role Playing Game Books, Player's Handbook, Player's Handbook

A book that every fan will like Dungeons and Dragons must have in your library and a must for male and female gamers. Without this book the games cannot be developed and the best way to start is with these revised editions, as they contain updates, modern touches and versatility. The teachings of decades are condensed into these new manuals and this makes the gaming experience much richer.