Rocky and Creed Saga Rating: Enter the ring to see which is the best fight

rocky y creed

In the year From the beginning of the Rocky Saga in 1976 to its latest installment, Creed III, what is the best fight and best part of the saga?

“Yo, Adrian!” If they are, you know what we’re talking about. Rocky Balboa has become one of the most popular sports heroes in cinema, leaving any other aspirant on the canvas. But have you ever wondered which movie in this saga will keep you coming back to the ring to press ‘play’ over and over again? Let us clear your doubts.

Resurrection of an Icon: Rocky Balboa (2006)

Mature suits him well, but not so much. Stallone returns to portray his older, wiser and semi-retired character. The film redeems itself from the failure of the fifth installment, offering a story that honors our heroes, but it seems like an attempt to continue to cash in on a machine that is already a bit old and could have been better. dead end..

The Ugly Duckling: Rocky V (1990)

For those who say “all Rocky’s are the same”, Rocky V proves the rule. This 1990 film tried to return to its roots, but it failed halfway through. Melody’s bond with trainer Tommy Gunn is not matched by Rocky’s loyalty to his family, one of his characters.

A rock creed

Rocky Halls of Fire: Creed III (2023)

Adonis took charge and began his solo journey, Michael B. Jordan makes his directorial debut and the saga shows that it doesn’t need Rocky to succeed. The film shines on the qualities that make Adonis unique as a leader and as a father, while the reunion with his old friend and the technical decisions in battle make the film a great watch. Also continuing the tradition of a second Stallone character, this time Michael B. Jordan ended up leading this episode.

A rock creed

Passing the Torch: A Creed (2015)

A New Beginning: The saga is revived in Adonis’s Creed , the son of a rival, partner and friend of Stallone’s character, Michael B. Jordan played, offering a fresh and modern update to the series. Stallone proves he can still move the masses with his Oscar-nominated performance. In this episode, the two previous attempts to expand the story, namely the fifth episode and the sixth episode, have been officially recaptured. They learned from their mistakes and corrected it, giving us an interesting character that can give us new emotions in the ring.

A rock creed

Clubber Lang to Al Ring: Rocky III (1982)

Another level of antagonist: If there’s one thing the sequel knows how to do, it’s deliver memorable villains. Clubber Lang, played by legendary action actor Mr. T, as a destructive force of nature. Add the first appearance of the legendary “Eye of the Tiger” and you have a cocktail of pure adrenaline.

A rock creed

Revenge of the Son: Creed II (2018)

Past vs. Present Clash: The film continues Rocky and Dragon’s rivalry, but with the former’s apprentice and the latter’s son as the protagonists. Adonis confronts Ivan’s son Victor, exploring themes of inheritance and redemption. A clash reminiscent of the chaos and passion of the beginnings. Because of the excitement of relaunching that legacy and heritage, it may be the most epic fight in the saga, but there are still a few films ahead.

A rock creed

Cold War Mini: Rocky IV (1985)

Watch Out, The Russians Are Coming: This movie takes the saga to new ridiculous heights, but hey, it’s a lot of fun! The emergence of Russian boxer Ivan Drago will spark one of the franchise’s biggest rivalries and coincide with one of the most complicated times between the United States and Russia.

A rock creed

The Unexpected Shot: Rocky II (1979)

Appropriate Continuity: We go from a completely unknown character to a new media hero. The story plays on the notion of sudden fame and how it affects the lives of our characters. Sylvester Stallone directs this episode, adding a personal touch that makes it special.

A rock creed

Icon of the Underground: Rocky (1976)

Origins of the Legend: This film not only established the sports genre, but also established Rocky as a cinematic icon. We see him as a humble worker looking for an opportunity to prove himself. The raw reality and emotional intensity of the first episode are like fairy tale levels, the boxer’s leitmotif in the last minutes of the fight confirms its status as an immortal classic with moments that will not fade from our memory. In the whole saga or in itself all the warrior fighting and training.

A rock creed

Now that you have the whole picture, do you agree with our rating? Either way, one thing is for sure, the fighting spirit of these movies is contagious, and we can’t wait for the bell to ring again for the next round.