Digimon Adventure 02: The Beginning DigiDestined in the Adventure reveals the true reason for its continued existence, revealing that Ukkomon was created instead of occurring naturally. DigiDestined is an artificially created concept that devalues the friendship between humans and Digimon, as they are essentially forced to bond with each other. Despite the dark twist, the main characters realize that their friendship with Digimon is real and not based on Ukkomon’s powers.
Warning: Contains spoilers for Digimon Adventure 02: The FirstDigimon Adventure 02: The Beginning is released, and it changes the original series forever. It is the first recent story to explore the time between Digimon Adventure 02’s defeat of Malomimitmon and the upheaval 25 years later. This story, in particular, focuses on the continuity of the original DigiDestined in the Adventure, so it was all but guaranteed to have a major impact on the flow of the adventure.
Digimon Adventure 02: The Beginning certainly influenced the Digimon Adventure series, and it did so in a way that changed it forever. Exploring the history of Louie and Ukomon comes a story that affects not only them, but all of the DigiDestined, and it does so in a way that completely changes how DigiDestined works in the main continuity.
However, the film goes out of its way not to damage the knowledge of the franchise, and it ends in a way that makes it possible to follow, but the great ambition and impact of the beginning make it a great addition. .
The new Digimon movie shows why DigiDestined really exists
Source of DigiDestined and their bonds
Digimon Adventure 02: The Beginning
Release year
Running time
87 minutes
Toei Animation, Yumeta Company
He prepared
Tomohisa Taguchi
Written by
Akatsuki Yamatoya
The biggest way Digimon Adventure 02: The Beginning changes the original series is by revealing the real reason why the DigiDestined exist in Adventure continuity. Louie’s partner Digimon, Ukkomon, has the power to grant wishes through contact with a mystical entity, either Yggdrasil or Homeostasis, and when Louie is looking for friends, Ukkomon says he’ll make sure Louie can befriend humans and Digimon like them. That said, rather than being something that happens naturally, the whole concept of Digidestiny was created by Ukkomon and is not something that is supposed to exist naturally in the Adventure Continuity.
Digimon’s DigiDestined Retcon adds a dark twist to the anime’s story
The bonds between DigiDestined and Digimon may not be real.
The revelation in Digimon Adventure 02: The Beginning that the general concept of Digimon Destined is something forced upon the world naturally comes with a dark twist on how Digimon plays. This undermines the friendship between the Digimon and the DGD by essentially making them bond with each other, but the fights they often engage in become even worse because now it’s something they have to live up to in order to fulfill Louis’ needs. . The latter, in particular, disgusts Louis when he finds out about it, and it all makes the basic idea of Digimon darker than ever.
That being said, the film doesn’t try to stick to those dark elements. The main characters prove that their friendships with Digimon are genuine and not based on Ukomon’s powers, and even though Ukomon’s defeat causes everyone to lose their Digimon, it is considered that they don’t need Digivs to be friends with Digimon and they decide. To live their lives as before. Everything that Digimon Adventure 02: The Beginning reveals about DigiDestined is undoubtedly big, but the characters don’t seem to let it get in the way of their personal relationships, and that’s the best way for the story to deal with something like this.