10 best manga you can read now

The Vinland Saga manga cover features Thorfinn.


Vinland Saga is a fantastic historical manga with complex characters and detailed art, offering a unique look at the Viking Age. One Piece is the king of shonen manga, with epic adventures, iconic characters, and an unbeatable legendary treasure hunt. Land of Lustrous is a fantasy action manga with anthropomorphized gem characters, offering a dark and affecting story that defies expectations.

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Naming the best manga is no easy task, as the medium’s incredible variety and diversity make it difficult to compare and contrast works across genres, themes, and time periods. Regardless, some titles clearly stand above others in terms of popularity and reception, as they have given themselves some of the best experiences readers can have.

Unfortunately, not every manga is easily accessible to readers around the world, many of the best manga still do not have official English translations, but that is not the case for the entries on this list, all of which are easy to find and start reading, digitally or in print. Their genres, themes, and target audiences vary greatly, but they all deserve credit for standing out in a similarly crowded industry.

10 Vineland Saga

The best historical fiction manga

The Vinland Saga manga cover features Thorfinn.

Release year




Where to read online



Makoto Yukimura

While historical titles may be common in the medium, very few choose to depict the complex life of the Vikings, allowing Vinland Saga to stand out from its origins. However, it has many more aspects to recommend it beyond its unique theme, such as complex characters, a complex yet brutal story, and an incredibly detailed art style. The events revolve around Torfin, a great Viking warrior whose life is defined by the death of his father. Joining the mercenary crew that murdered his family, his motivations and goals change as he grows to become one of the best pacifist characters in media, seeking nothing but power and revenge.

9 one piece

The undisputed king of shonen manga

Release year

In 1997


Viz media

Where to read online

Viz, Manga Plus


Aichiro Oda

One Piece is the first of Shounen Jump’s Big Three, a series that spawned various ideas that would become common tropes in the genre. Following the journey of Monkey D. Luffy and his unique pirate crew, One Piece tells an epic tale of unique and unforgettable adventures, as well as iconic and complex characters with complex backstories and developments. While there are a variety of ways to enjoy this story, including a live-action adaptation, a sequel is guaranteed, but it’s hard to beat the original.

8 The land of Lustrous

A victory in the act of imagination

The Land of Lustrous Manga

Release year




Where to read online



Haruko Ichikawa

Land of Lustrous is a truly unparalleled title that tells a unique story set in a world unlike any other. The central characters are anthropomorphized gems known as Lustrus, who, under the guidance of the mysterious but powerful Kongou-sensei, must fend off countless attacks from the Lunarians, the inhabitants of the moon. Weapons and jewelry. Although at first it seems like an innocent story based on the creation of the front, it slowly but surely reveals itself to be darker and more impactful than any reader would expect.

7 Kaguya-sama: Love is war.

A manga that redefines romcoms

Kaguya-sama is a love war manga.

Release year



Viz media

Where to read online



Aka akakaka

While Kaguya-sama: Love Is War is well-known in the anime world, the anime adaptation of the title is hugely popular and spans multiple seasons, but the original manga is just as fun even without the catchy soundtrack. The narrative follows the titular Kaguya and Miyuki, two seniors at an elite high school who, despite being in love with each other, are too proud to admit it, and instead try to convince the other to confess first. Moreover, thanks to a great story written by Aka Akaka and later by Oshi no Ko, this is one experience that no reader will regret giving a chance.

6 True

Takehiko Inoue’s dark take on basketball manga

Real manga

Release year

In 1999


Viz media

Where to read online

Not available


Takehiko Inoue

Created by Takiko Inoue, the genius behind popular titles like Slam Dunk and Vagabond, Takehiko Inoue’s Real is a title that, while it may not have received as much attention or critical acclaim as its older siblings, is one that shouldn’t be missed. The story follows three main characters, all of whom are struggling with their own personal issues. One of them is a former star athlete who became disabled due to an illness, while the other turned his life around after being paralyzed in a traffic accident. Considered by some to be the author’s best and most mature work, this story is profound and truly affecting.

5 Yotsuba&!

Slice-of-life manga

Yotsuba&!  Manga

Release year

In 2003


Yen Press

Where to read online

Not available


Kiyohiko Azuma

As a slow-paced work with the calm atmosphere of the Ayashiki titles, Yotsuba&! It may not have a particularly complicated setting or story, but that doesn’t stop it from being one of the medium’s best comic titles. Revolving around the title Yotsuba Kowai, this manga is an honest and nostalgic exploration of the curious minds of innocent children who see all the unknown as a new opportunity for fun. Having recently moved to a new location, Yotsuba’s world is full of new things to discover, taking readers on her journey and remembering simpler times that many may have forgotten due to their fast-paced surroundings.

4 20th century boys

Naoki Urasawa’s incredible sci-fi hit

Manga of 20th century men

Release year

In 1999


Viz media

Where to read online

Not available


Naoki Urasawa

Created by Naoki Urasawa, an author whose mastery of the drama/mystery genre is proven through Monster, Naoki Urasawa’s 20th Century Boys is another attempt to explore this genre combination, this time with a sci-fi twist. The story follows Kenji Endo as he seeks to reunite with many of his former friends following the sudden suicide of one of his childhood friends, discovering a mysterious cult in the process and becoming more involved than he bargained for. Although the great theme of saving the world is the main thing in the media, this presentation of the idea is really one of the best and unforgettable.

3 Vagabond

Tahiko Inoue’s greatest manga

Release year

In 1998


Viz media

Where to read online

Not available


Takehiko Inoue

Vagabond is an award-winning title often considered one of the best manga ever without an anime adaptation. Inspired by the real life of the famous “Sword Saint” Miyamoto Musashi, Vagabond aims to tell the story from a new angle. The events revolve around a man named Shinmen Tazuzu, who was a cruel commoner before he was reborn as a famous samurai. A criminal after losing the war. Thanks to a strong will and two unlikely friends, he turned his destiny around and became the icon he is today.

2 Good night Punpun.

The darkest coming-of-age story in manga

Good night punpun manga

Release year

In 2007


Viz media

Where to read online



Inio Asano

While coming-of-age stories are few and far between, there’s nothing quite like Goodnight Punpun, which takes the classic formula and boldly incorporates other supporting elements to tell a grim, but true story and reinvents it. Poonpoon is a typical child facing the various challenges of growing up, trials that are shown and explored in an honest and powerful way, not only in relation to his parents, love and himself. Known for its depiction of human relationships and the complexities of life, often depicted in realistic ways, this is one of the most original and memorable titles in media.

1 Berserk

The greatest manga of all time

Release year

In 1989


Black horse

Where to read online

Not available


Kentaro Miura

Originally created by Kentaro Miura and then picked up by his childhood friend Kouji Mori, following the author’s death, Berserk is an award-winning title that has garnered a lot of attention for its dark themes and horror. The story revolves around the main character Guts, a former mercenary “Black Swordsman” now marked for death, who struggles to survive and protect those he cares for despite his cruel and merciless fate. Between the beautiful artwork and the moving plot, Berserk is without a doubt the greatest manga ever made.

From slow-paced, relaxed and grounded stories, to complex, dark and fantastical, the manga medium is complex and vast enough to meet the needs of any reader, as long as one is willing to explore their options. Unfortunately, reading manga requires a huge commitment in terms of time and money, so many options make it difficult to decide which particular journey to embark on. Regardless of what one is looking for, these are great manga that offer some unforgettable and unique experiences to read.