The final saga of One Piece begins! Planet Comic has published volume 105 of Eiichiro Oda’s legendary work
Planeta Comic finally brings us One Piece #105, a compilation where Eiichiro Oda introduces his legendary work in his latest saga. After 154 manga chapters, the Wano Saga comes to an end and Luffy and his companions are closer to achieving their dream, although the path is still uncertain and dangerous.
A new world order
Volume 104, which you can review here, shows that the defeat of two of the four Sea Emperors has caused great upheaval in the world, marking the end of an era and the beginning of a new era. The revolutionary army had launched a massive campaign and the world government and navies were preparing for the worst. A world in turmoil.
The cast (with a new level) and their companions leave the land of the samurai and enter the sea again, many things have changed. Boogie has found powerful allies and is now a candidate to become the future king of pirates. Blackbeard is causing chaos wherever he goes. The World Government and Navy, after abolishing the Shichibukai (Seven Great Pirates) system, are hunting down the former members of the group. With so much happening and so much information being provided, we are facing an overwhelming number.
It’s admirable that Oda has decided it’s time to step on the accelerator, but it’s true that there’s so much happening at the same time that it feels like there’s no time to breathe, but we’re in a world in complete transition, so it can make some sense. It’s hard to talk about the shows without going into spoilers, but I can assure you that what you see is worth it. The way all these scenes are drawn will not disappoint anyone, there are even the most amazing vinos that will remain in the retinas of many readers.

Of course, there are two common themes of a piece in this composition, the mystery connected to the treasure and everything surrounding it, and the irony. And one of the best things in his work is not in the action or the fights, but in the funny situations that the main characters get into. Even after becoming one of the top four workers in the world, nothing has changed in the Straw Hats.
Egghead arch
Volume 105 brings us the first 5 arcs of One Piece with the final arc, the egghead arc. Even in Japan, the story continues on this island. Eiichiro Oda wanted to give each island a unique personality that sets it apart from the rest, but this is the first time we’ve seen an island with a futuristic theme. From time to time we’ve seen some advanced technology in the One Piece world, but never before has it been together.
This theme is no coincidence, because one of the characters that raised many concepts among fans is finally revealed to us, although not as expected. Another character who wasn’t involved much in the story will also be involved in this arc, but his few appearances have shown that he won’t be just another secondary character.

In six issues we get to see how this new adventure prepares us for new and very important revelations, the only thing we get now are more questions than answers, typical for Oda, but hopefully that will start to change soon. Plus, we might not be anywhere close to seeing everyone’s favorite revenge fight. As for the painting, we have to acknowledge Oda’s great work with the future island designs. We are experiencing an island that combines the future with an amusement park full of robots. Fortunately, there are still no quality problems in drawing as seen in the recent past.
Planeta Comic One Piece Issue #105.
Planeta Comics published this volume in a similar format to the Japanese, tankobo, a paperback with a dust jacket measuring 11.1 x 17.7 cm in the usual format of the flap. It is true, they may not be the best parameters, especially for flash pages, but we are dealing with a collection that started in 2004 and it makes no sense to start changing the sizes of the volumes. In the first pages there is a small summary of the events of the previous volumes and a guide to the various characters. Avoiding this, the layout (there is no problem to read even with the measurements), the printing and the translation are still good. The quantity is now available at a price of €8.50.
One Piece #105 is a great start to a final saga that offers some great moments. Although they are transitional numbers, the events happen without a break, they become a little excessive. Oda proves unrivaled in humor and mystery. The artist continues to hold the same level as always in terms of painting, but we have to highlight the great work in some of the most amazing vignettes.
One piece number 105

Author: Eiichiro Oda
Publisher: Planeta Comic
Format: Paperback with dust jacket and flap
Dimensions: 11.1 x 17.7 cm
Pages: 192 black and white pages
ISBN: 978-84-1140-176-0
Price: 8,50 €
Summary: Luffy is now one of the Four Emperors! The coming of a new era will bring dizzying changes to the world. What adventures await Luffy’s team after leaving Wano Country? Together they took a new path and…!
Here is a story about pirates looking for a piece of a great treasure!!