A report reveals the measures Netflix is taking to improve working conditions in the Japanese animation industry
In a turn towards transparency and continuous improvement, Netflix has released a detailed report highlighting its commitment to revitalizing the anime industry in Japan. With its 35 pages, the document not only highlights the corporate initiatives but also calls more robust actions to ensure a sustainable future for the sector.
Netflix and its commitment to anime
The Japan Agency for Cultural Affairs has entered into a dialogue with Netflix on fair compensation in the era of digital transformation. The discussion concerned the long working hours for animators, which far exceed the national averagewith days that vary between 198 and 225 hours per month. This point also caught the attention of the UN, which this year denounced the exploitation in the sector.
Netflix responded with measures that ensure fair prices for anime broadcast rightsensuring this income reaches not only the main practices, but also subcontractors and freelancers. This effort is part of a broader approach to improving working conditions along the entire production chain.
Persistent challenges and new solutions
Despite the Large budgets allocated to anime, challenges remain for these funds to directly benefit creators. Incidents such as the involvement of an authorized North Korean studio in the production of the anime Dahlia in bloomor statements from a working minor In Isekai Onsen paradisehighlight critical supply chain visibility and control issues.

To combat this problem, Netflix is implementing a system that requires Detailed invoices for the entire production chaineliminating intermediaries who inflate costs through “management fees”. This policy not only allows greater transparency, but also gives investors the opportunity to demand concrete improvements.
Driving improvements beyond the anime
Netflix is too raise standards in other sectorslike live action productions. You entered intimacy coordinators and respect training in his Japanese productions and collaborates with the American Society of Cinematographers and Keio University improvement lessons.
Contractual problems are particularly acute in the anime industry, where a reliance on verbal agreements and an “anime village” mentality that resists change prevails. However, initiatives such as the “Contracts One” contract database system, implemented by DandeLion Animation Studio, show that paths towards greater equity and professionalization exist.
Conclusions and perspectives
Him Netflix’s commitment to the anime industry He is not limited to his productions; He is also actively involved in anti-piracy initiatives as a member of ACE (Alliance for Creativity and Entertainment). With efforts like these, Netflix isn’t just looking improve working and contractual conditions by anime creators, but they also offer a solid platform that celebrate and support your artpositively influencing the entire sector.
This comprehensive approach could not only preserve but revitalize an industry beset by structural challenges, marking a new chapter in the history of anime. Transparency, fairness and respect for creators are essential on this path towards a more sustainable and ethical future for anime.
Netflix’s investments in training and education
AS Netflix continues to expand its anime catalog, it is essential to highlight its investments not only in licensing, but also in the practical training of animators. He has recently collaborated with educational institutions such as AFI Conservatory offer courses that combine theory and practice, which is essential for strengthen skills and creativity of the animators. These initiatives represent a pillar in the development of a more just and sustainable industry, demonstrating that investment in human capital is as important or more important than financial capital. With these actions, Netflix not only seeks to improve the final product, but also enrich the creative ecosystem of anime.