Home Video Games Netease could close more studies despite the success of the Marvel rivals

Netease could close more studies despite the success of the Marvel rivals

Netease could close more studies despite the success of the Marvel rivals

The Chinese giant of video games could plan to sell or close many of his studies outside China

Despite the Rotudo success From Rivals marvel, Netase It seems to be in a phase of renovation This could lead to Closing of multiple studies. According to a relationship of Game filesChinese society could evaluate the sale of some of their studies outside China And, in the event of not finding buyers, directly close them.

The recent one Dismissal of the Nestase team in Seattle He had already surprised the community of players, especially because Rivals marvel It was a Unexpected success from its launch at the end of 2024. Despite the good welcome and a base of growing playersThe company opted for dismantle your study in the United Statesgenerating doubts about theirs real intentions.

Before consultations of Game files, Note declared That “All studies and projects are in constant revision and evaluation“, Who did not calm the concern of players or workers in the sector. In the current one Context of uncertainty in industryThe words of the company seem to predict More drastic changes.

Marvel rivals netease

Dream quantic and rebellious wolves on the tank

According to the report, some of the Studies that could be affected include Quantum dreamcreators of Heavy rain y Detroit: become humanas well Ribelli wolveswho recently announced his first title, Blood of the Dawnwalker. In case of Ribelli wolvesits publication is responsible for Bandai Namcowhich could reduce the impact of A possible production of Netase.

It is not clear what Reason behind these possible closures, but the sector fears more mass layoffs. In recent months, Studies like Rocksteady have been beaten by staff cutsFollowing one worrying trend in the video game sector in 2025.

The future of Marvel rivals and other projects in doubt

Despite Good numbers Rivals marvelThe uncertainty about Netease leaves questions about the future of the title and others Development projects. Some rumors suggest that at some point the company also Considered to cancel the gamewhat generates doubts about the fact if Continuity is guaranteed in the long term.

Marvel rivals neteaseMarvel rivals netease

In the meantime, Players and Netease employees They expect anxious clearer declaration from the company. YES The items are confirmedWe could be addressed One of the greatest renovation movements In the video game sector so far this year.

The impact of Marvel rivals on the video game sector

From its launch, Rivals marvel has shown to be a contact person In the genre of team shooters, managing to attract a community of faithful players Thanks to its dynamic gameplay and the cast of emblematic characters. The combination of agile mechanics with distinctive skills has allowed the game to stand out against others of the genre, such as Overwatch 2.

One of the key points that defined the success of Rivals marvel It was the inclusion of iconic characters such as Wolverine and Bladewhich were fundamental in generating interest among Marvel fans. The personalization of the heroes and their adaptation to a competitive shooter environment have marked a precedent inside the comic -based games, consolidating their position on the market.

Marvel rivals neteaseMarvel rivals netease

Lobezno’s rise in video games

Within the Marvel Rivals team, Wolverine has positioned himself as one of the most popular characters, thanks to his aggressive style in combat style And its regeneration ability, which makes it a formidable option in the game. It is not the first time that Adamanzio’s mutant claw stands out in a video game; Franchising as X-Men Origins: Wolverine and Marvel Midnight Suns have already explored their potential in different genres.

Lobezno’s appeal lies in his versatility and charisma, which makes him an indispensable character in any adaptation of Marvel. His appearance in Marvel’s rivals not only brings diversity to the cast, but also reaffirms his favorite status among the players. His playability combines speed, devastating attacks in the fray and impressive resistance, which makes it a recurring choice in competitive objects.
