Miles Morales is pushed to the limit by a legendary Avenger in the most brutal way

Miles Morales

Miles Morales faces a new challenge with Black Panther

Marvel Comics, Miles Morales, Black Panther, Spider-Man vampire, vampire transformation

Miles Morales, one of the fan-favorite Spider-Men, is facing the challenge of his life in the recent comic Miles Morales: Spider-Man #25. After the events of Hunt for bloodthat led the young hero to become a vampire, is now Black Panther who evaluates whether Miles has what it takes to control his bloodlust and remain the hero people need.

Marvel Comics, Miles Morales, Black Panther, Spider-Man vampire, vampire transformation

Spider-Man faces a dark challenge

In this issue, Miles, Tiana Toomes (Reversal) yes Misty Knight They enlist the help of Dr. Keisha Kwan to better understand Miles’ vampire transformation. But Kwan, despite his brilliance, doesn’t have the answers to the mystical questions surrounding his condition. For this reason it is the king of Wakanda, T’Challa, who comes to investigate. However, Black Panther’s only concern is whether Miles can control his instincts and not endanger those he loves.

Miles, who has already worked alongside monster hunters, is already familiar with the world of vampires. In his fight against the threat of the ancient vampire R’ym’rthe young hero joined the famous Lamathe vampire hunter. However, the mystical vampiric power he inherited from when he was bitten by Blade during the event Hunt for bloodit’s something Miles isn’t sure he can deal with yet.

Since his transformation, Miles has been committed to maintaining his role as a hero and fighting his hunger. But as he tries to deal with his new nature, his relationship with Tiana Toomes is put to the test. Tiana’s grandfather, Adrian Toomespseudonym The Vulturehe is unwilling to see the couple happy and has orchestrated several threats, some of them deadly, to divide them.

Miles Morales and his fight against the darkness within him

Unlike his predecessor Peter Parker, Miles Morales faced even darker and more complex challenges. His recent transformation into a vampire not only sets him apart from other spider-heroes, but puts him in the position of having to fight dark instincts that threaten to consume it. This type of challenge, in which the Miles’ humanity is up for grabs, separates him from classic heroes and places him in a unique category in the Marvel Universe. As her relationship with Starling and her other allies hangs in the balance, the pressure to maintain control increases.

Marvel Comics, Miles Morales, Black Panther, Spider-Man vampire, vampire transformation

On the other hand, its interaction with Black Panther introduces an interesting dynamic, as T’Challa is one of Marvel’s most meticulous and honorable heroes. With his vigilance, Miles is forced to confront not only a stern mentor, but also the expectations of a true king and hero.

Will Miles be able to control his dark side?

This number of Miles Morales: Spider-Man highlighted the hero’s internal dilemmas and constant pressure from his loved ones. As Black Panther evaluates Miles, the king of Wakanda won’t stop until he’s sure Miles poses no danger. And although this test seems like a nearly impossible mission, it is part of the hero’s growth in the vast and complicated Marvel universe.

Will Miles be able to defeat his demons and retain his humanity? With Black Panther as a stern judge and a constant threat to their relationship, this story leaves readers on the edge of their seats and eager to discover the outcome of this dark time for the young Spider-Man.

Marvel Comics, Miles Morales, Black Panther, Spider-Man vampire, vampire transformation

Miles Morales: Spider-Man #25 is available now in stores, with a deluxe creative team that includes the writer Cody Ziglarthe artist Federico Vicentiniand the colors of Bryan Valenza.