Let’s analyze the exhibition Marvel: superhero universewhich is currently in Hyphema from Madrid.
From The House of Ideas With that he planted his first seed Marvel Comics #1 (1939) to date the publishing house has gone through numerous changes, all aimed at its evolution.
As everyone knows, films, television series and video games have played an important role in all this, although good visibility also helps, as in the case of Marvel: superhero universewhich opened its doors on November 15th last year and, initially, will be active until March 30th this year, which we were able to enjoy in the Hyphema from Madrid. Below, you can read our analysis about it.
Before starting it is good to clarify this Marvel: superhero universe It is open Tuesday to Sunday, 10am to 9pm, although entry is not permitted after 7.30pm. The duration of the complete tour is approximately one hour.
As soon as you get there, the first thing you will find is a giant shield of Captain America outside the enclosure, to remember what you will find inside Marvel: superhero universealthough it has also been seen in other areas of Madrid with a clear informative intent.

After proving that you have paid for the ticket, the price of which will not be less than 16.90 euros, while you observe two giant heads (one of the Captain America and another of Black Panther) and give you a 5 euro discount voucher for the shop (which will only be valid if you spend a minimum of 25), they will make you go to a room where they will show you a five minute video in which I give you a brief summary of the origins of the publishing house, in which, if you are assiduous followers of the publishing house, the truth is that they don’t tell you anything new.
From there the exhibition begins Marvel: superhero universe itself, in which you will retrace the 85 years of history of the company, from the beginning, with original songs, from the comics of the publisher’s first characters to the highest grossing films of the current century.
The exhibition Marvel: superhero universe It contains more than 200 original pieces and, in most of its route, we find galleries with an immersive and interactive character, as you can travel back in time, thanks to the screens that allow the reproduction of some classic series titles Wonder (AS Spider-Man (1967 – 1970), The Incredible Hulk (1977 – 1982) o X-Men (1992 – 1997)) or the life-size sculptures with which it is possible to interact, such as The Thingwhich seems to invite you to keep him company on the sofa, as shown in the photo accompanying this paragraph.

This is a clear example of how thematic sets are Marvel: superhero universe They help the visitor to feel really involved in the adventures he has grown up with since he was a child, which is something to be grateful for, since in exhibitions you usually have to observe the figures from a safe distance, which only happens here with some specific pieces, in addition, obviously, to the material displayed in the showcases.
Sure, though Marvel: superhero universe dedicates much of its content to the publisher’s classic superheroes, there is also space for the more recent ones, as is the case with Ms. Marvelwho not only has his own sculpture, as shown in the image, but also his costume shares a display case with those of the Captain Marvel Yes Monica Rambeauin a clear reference to the film The Wonders (2023).

However, what is striking is the fact that some characters, like Spider-Hamhave their own sculpture, while others, among which we can mention Howard the Duckwith a greater editorial career behind them, they do not suffer the same fate.
Obviously, Marvel: superhero universe does not miss the opportunity to announce the company’s new audiovisual projects, such as the animated series Your friend and neighbor Spider-Man (which comes out this month).
Before leaving the fair and visiting the store, Marvel: superhero universe invited you to play some free pinball machines which, of course, feature characters from the publisher, such as The Avengers or Poison.
While other exhibits on this topic are much more generic and tend to mix characters from different publishers, Marvel: superhero universe it’s clear what he’s a fan of The House of Ideas he wants and has no qualms about showing it to you. So if you consider yourself one of them, live near the area or have the facilities to get there and haven’t done so yet, you’re already taking too long, because you might not come across another exhibition on Wonder let it be complete like this.