Home Series Marvel Studios paused the development of three series, two of which are projects that had not been announced

Marvel Studios paused the development of three series, two of which are projects that had not been announced

Marvel Studios paused the development of three series, two of which are projects that had not been announced

Marvel Studios made the decision to stop the development of the Nova project

A new relationship confirmed it Marvel Studios Pausó The production of Nova, Strange Academy and Terror, Inc.

Marvel has other priorities

The deadline was the means that shared the information, revealing that none of these projects officially received. However, the report comments that these programs could be specified at some point: “[Marvel Studios] He simply changed his priorities.

The vehicle guarantees that the programs have stopped developing with the new approach that Marvel Studios is currently adopting compared to the series. The study initially worked on television as a cinema, or a main screenwriter was hired to write the project and then started the search for a director. Now, this approach has not worked at all, since it was too expensive and it was a lot of pressure for the study.

At the moment, Marvel has a more traditional development process, giving a green traffic light to projects that have potential and can have more seasons.

The strange thing of this information is the situation of NovaBecause he already had showrunner. Most likely they realized that the series would be very expensive and that it has a potential to be a movie. On the other hand, the development of Terror, inc. It is the great surprise of the relationship. This program would be based on the comic series with the same name with terror, an anti -hero created in 1992 and has the ability to incorporate others from the body of others in their form, which allows him to acquire memories and skills.
