Marvel Rivals is filling games with bots if you enter the losing queue, something fans are questioning as an unethical strategy for players

Shadow of the Robots in Marvel Rivals
After the game’s successful launch, several players shared their suspicions. Second ciaranxybots usually appear after losing two or three consecutive games, but only in Quick Play mode. The accounts of these “players” are usually level 1 and show a “limited access” message on their profiles, which is not the case with the profiles of real players.
To test this theory, a journalist from PC Gamer he intentionally lost several games in a row while playing as Spider-Man. The result? In his next game, everything fit the description: no console players on the opposing team, suspicious usernames, limited profiles, and interestingly, he had more eliminations than ever!
They also mentioned cases where robots with advanced skills, such as a “novice” Reed Richards, demonstrated an understanding of the game mechanics worthy of an expert player, but failed miserably to close plays.
What does Marvel Rivals gain from this?
The answer seems to lie in the psychology behind video games. A motivated player is a player who keeps playing. Developers know that too many setbacks can demotivate and alienate users. By offering “guaranteed” wins with bot-filled games, they try to keep players interested and prolong their time in the game.
However, this raises serious questions about the competitive integrity of the game. These false victories can lead players to adopt strategies that wouldn’t work against real opponents and, worse yet, affect their performance history.

What do the players think?
While some understand the reasoning behind this strategy, many feel cheated. After all, what good is a victory if it isn’t authentic? Additionally, these bot-filled games may discourage players’ personal progress, as they don’t address the real challenge of improvement.
On the other hand, the community has also reported other problems Rivals of wondersuch as accusations that the game favors PC players, adding to the frustration of console users.
Is Spider-Man the hero most affected by robots in Marvel Rivals?
Spider-Man is one of the most popular heroes in Rivals of wonderbut it also seems to be the most influential when it comes to highlighting the presence of bots. This iconic character, known for his agility and unique abilities, has become many players’ favorite choice for testing bot theories. According to users who have investigated this phenomenon, bot games tend to favor heroes with predictable movements and easy-to-counter attacks, something that Spider-Man, ironically, usually avoids in real battles.
On the other hand, compared to heroes like Reed Richards or Psylocke, Spider-Man shows greater imbalance in games against botsas the enemies seem to understand only too well how to stop their aerial maneuvers. This generates frustration in players, who feel they cannot measure their real performance. Yes Rivals of wonder If you’re looking to improve your competitive experience, you’ll need to reconsider this approach to maintain the trust of your community.

How will this affect the future of Marvel Rivals?
This controversy puts the reputation of NetEase, the studio behind the game, under scrutiny. While the bot tactic may work in the short term, it is likely that as more and more players become aware of this practice, their confidence in the game will decrease. Developers will need to find a balance between maintaining player engagement and respecting the competitive experience.
What do you think? Do you think bots are a good solution or a cheap trick to retain players? If you’ve noticed anything strange in your games Rivals of wondershare your experience in the comments.