The return of the web-weaver and the first star-spider in Marvel promises space adventures.
The pages of Marvel Comics will light up in stores on April 11, 2024, with the return of the popular hero and the introduction of a new one in “Spider’s Edge #3.” The third part of this series will be a stellar event with the appearance of the Spider-Man, an all-new character and the return of the already beloved Web-Weaver.

The cosmos is clothed in a spider’s web
Justina Ireland, writer and artist Pete Woods bring us Star-Spider, a character who expands the Spider-Man universe into cosmic dimensions. This new heroine travels through space in her silk ship, facing challenges in alien landscapes. Star-Spider’s description paints it as a mix of science fiction, humor and heroism, “Your neighborhood could be a few blocks or the size of a space station.” Star-Spider glides among the stars in his silk ship, helping those in need, swinging through alien cities. Meet the cool new Spider-Hero in a story created by Justina Ireland and drawn by Pete Woods.
A character co-created by Steve Fox, the return of the Webb-Weaver is packed with style and action. Web Weaver, described as a character who walks the runway and fights crime in an unknown way, returns for a new adventure in “Spider’s Edge #3.” This return marks the continuation of a saga that captured the imagination of fans.
The evolution of the Spider-Verse
“Spider-Man’s Edge #3” is one big puzzle that Marvel has been painstakingly piecing together. With the release of “Spider’s Edge #1” in February, fans have already seen the first appearance of Weapon VIII and the return of Spider-Bite, the technologically advanced spider. The title’s sequel upped the ante in March by introducing a terrifying new villain, Spooky-Man, and the 90s Spider-Man alternate cyborg Spider-Man. All of this sets up a narrative that culminates in the next big Spider-verse event: “The Spider Society.”

Justina Ireland and Pete Woods poured their passion and creativity into Star-Spider, with Woods describing the character’s design as “a colorful mix of everything I love about comics, film and animation.” On the other hand, Steve Fox celebrates the opportunity to return to the world of the web-weaver, endless stories and new familiar faces from Spider-Man.
Creativity and tradition in Spider-Man
At the heart of this new issue is a unique blend of the new and the familiar. Star-Spider represents an uncharted frontier for Marvel, taking action beyond the skyscrapers of New York to the vast interstellar horizons. His arrival represents a significant expansion of the Spider-Man universe, providing a new setting for Spider-Man stories. This evolution reflects Marvel’s constant desire to explore new narrative territories, always keeping fans on the edge of their seats.
On the other hand, the return of Weaver, a character who quickly captured the hearts of fans, represents Idea House’s ability to stay true to its roots while innovating. The contrast between Weaver’s cosmopolitan style and Astral-Spider’s space odyssey shows the versatility and depth of Spider-Man. In addition to expanding the scope of Spider-Man’s stories, these characters offer a wide variety of experiences and styles, ensuring that every fan will find something that resonates with them in the wider Marvel Universe.

This issue promises to be a major milestone in the ongoing evolution of Spider-Man, giving fans new stories, characters and worlds to explore. With the talent of its creators and the promise of exciting adventures, “Spider-Edge-#3” is set to be a must-read for comics fans.