Damage Control, the cleanup unit of the Marvel Universe that operates after the war between heroes and villains, is collected in a new volume published by Panini Comics in the Marvel Heroes line.
In Marvel Comics, it’s not all about being serious, picking up the hammer and shield and defeating Thanos before he takes over the universe. Sometimes these are simpler, simpler, funnier, and most importantly, more original stories. That’s the case with the late 1980s series Destruction Control, which Panini Comics now brings together in one volume with the upcoming Marvel Heroes title. Damage Control: The Complete Set.

Let’s do something different
That must be what Dwayne McDuffie said when he showed off a new idea in the Idea House offices. Let’s do something that uses all the wealth we’ve created over the decades in the Marvel Universe for our loyal readership to enjoy. Let’s laugh at ourselves but with grace and style. We believe in damage control.
Damage Control is a company primarily responsible for repairing damaged city objects after a war between heroes and villains breaks out in the city (for some reason they can’t go to the field to fight for the fate of the planet). Sometimes the job also includes other duties that involve actively helping the heroes, such as when Spiderman goes into what we might call a Transformer.
Soon we will get to know the employees of this special company, economic profit will be the driving force of the series, which will act as a supplement to read the main series. of the series. Editor. On staff we will initially have Robin Chappell, the manager, Lenny Ballinger, the smoking foreman, Gene Strawser, the head of the R&D department, John Porter, the cold executive, and Bart Rosem, the apprentice.

Connecting the Marvel Universe
Much of the fun of this series is the reflection and consequences of what’s happening in that moment with each of the major superhero franchises. Thus, we witness the moment when the X-Men go into hiding, the events that occur during the acts of revenge or, in the latest miniseries, the destruction of the Hulk in the World War.
Except for the comic tone, the idea is so similar that we have to ask Brian Michael Bendy if the idea to create the Pulse series came from what was done here. And, as happened with the Bendis series, half of the Marvel Universe will not only appear on these pages as a camera, but some characters will have a stronger involvement with the members of this cleaning department (the coming employment contracts are established between the company and various heroes and villains), which leads to funny and Sad times lead.

Years of control up to the end and beyond
The issues in this volume span two decades of stories, as the masthead is animated by miniseries that appear from time to time (probably a maneuver by Marvel Comics to retain the rights). But despite the subtitle of “The Complete Collection,” even though it’s been more than three decades since its last appearance, we can’t assume that damage control is dead.
Remember that we’ve already seen damage control in the MCU, first in Spiderman: Homecoming (where the Vulture worked), then in the sequel Spiderman: Not Home, and more recently in the Disney+ series Ms. Marvel and her. – Hulk (his tone matches perfectly, by the way) and this always makes her come back to jokes. We hope to see this team again in Vignette.
Published in hardcover by Panini Comics, the deluxe edition contains 400 color pages with a page size of 17 x 26 cm, and the US edition of the three-volume standard series Damage Control, includes the three World War Hulk issues: Aftersmash. From Marvel Age Annual 4, Marvel Comics Presents 19 and Iron Man Annual 11. Damage control and material. It has a recommended retail price of €42 and goes on sale in January 2024.

Amazing heroes. Damage Control: The Complete Set
ISBN: 9788411509541
Did galactus eat your house? SHIELD Helicarrier crashed on your car? Have aliens destroyed Manhattan…again? Better call damage control!
Meet the Marvel Universe clean-up crew, who work tirelessly after every superhero battle to leave things as they were before. No offense is enough for them.
Authors: Dwayne McDuffie, Salva Espin, Kyle Baker and Ernie Colon