Home Comic Reviews Marvel Gold Review. Captain America 8 – El Capi, President

Marvel Gold Review. Captain America 8 – El Capi, President

Marvel Gold Review. Captain America 8 – El Capi, President

Roger Stern, John Byrne, Jm Dematteis and Mike Zeck renew Steve Rogers in the eighth Marvel volume of Captain America, a luxury volume published by Panini Comics

The eighties reach the line Marvel Gold of Captain Americaand they do it in a great volume by Panini Comics under the title of Marvel Gold. Captain America 8 – El Capi, President Where mythical authors like Roger Stern, John Byrne, Jm Dematteis y Mike Tock Have put important changes in the life of Steve Rogers

Capitán America, Marvel, Marvel Comics, Panini Comics

Captain America by Roger Stern and John Byrne

There were barely a handful of numbers that the couple of friends formed by Stern and Byrne did for the Serie Capi, but will remain for memory as one of the most mythical moments of the character despite their apparent argumentative insignificance.

Let’s start with the raid of a mythical enemy like Baron Stucto. Stern exploits here to start explaining some inconsistencies that his colleagues had left a long time ago in the series relating to this same villain or the past of Steve.

Next to Stucto we will have the Dragon man and al Forgeallowing the second to see Steve made known how Spiderman, the thing or Magneto among other things. In the meantime, in his civil life we ​​will know his new romantic interest, Bernie RosenthalA character who did not go too far. Nor are Rogers fans too far to become an autonomous cartoonist, something that has remained a fairly obsolete concept today …

The highest point of this phase is the one we see on the cover of this volume, the one that takes place in the 250 number of the series and offers us a story in which the leader of the new populist party has the brilliant idea, after one of those times when he sends the day, to offer Rogers to present himself to the President of the United States. We will see how the rest of the characters from Marvel Universefrom his companions Avengers Until JJ JamesonThey take the news. But finally everything ends in a predictable discharge of Steve to the position, crowned with a appointment of Jfk.

After an insignificant clash with Batroc y Mister Hyde We reached another strong point of this phase, the one in which he accompanied Union Jack The heads will face the Blood of the Baron In a story with a certain touch to Dracula’s tomb In which they did not allow us to see a Vampire by Steve Rogers, something that would have been fantastic.

The phase of these authors will end with a number that serves new readers to hook the series, remembering the entire history of the character since its beginning and in which what the highlights is the legendary initial page in which we see the garment that attacks a milk in the auger until its own Adolf Hitler.

Capitán America, Marvel, Marvel Comics, Panini ComicsCapitán America, Marvel, Marvel Comics, Panini Comics

Captain America of Dematteis and Mike Zeck

After the end of the Stern and Byrne phase we will have some numbers until the arrival of the new normal team. Here many prestige authors will pass and we will have really interesting stories, but together they are numbers that do not only have their own identity (of course if we take into consideration the dance of the authors) or a clear idea of ​​the direction in which the series is moving.

Gene Colan Will bring us a story of ghosts, Mike W. Barr will face garments with Hulk, Chris Claremont will approach our protagonist at the street level, Jim Shooter will put the problem of domestic Nazis on the table e To the Milgrom will put to Centinello della Libertà Between the bars.

When Jm Dematteis and Mike Zeck arrive at the series, everything changes and it seems that he starts having a defined personality. If we forgive the fact of putting a character too similar to Richard Pryor (Josh Cooper) In his first cartoon that already accompanies Steve Sam Wilson Being the three rather drunk, here we have an progress of what this phase together would have supposed.

Red skull It will be the star of these numbers, even if we will see with other illustrious known as the Amerhydroid or Nomadic. But it will be the Nazi component that most of them before these numbers that will give way to the other most insignificant in which the screenwriter will be David Anthony Kraft who accompanies Zeck to achieve the end of this volume.

AND Volume Posted by Panini Comics On the rigid cover it contains 504 color pages with a size of 17 x 26 cm. and includes the translation of the American edition of numbers: Captain America 247-266 and annual 5, in addition to all covers of the numbers included, an introduction written by Fonseca Raimón It is a vast section of extra and texts by various authors. The recommended sale price is € 49.95 and was offered for sale in February 2025.

Captain America Marvel Gold 8Captain America Marvel Gold 8

Marvel Gold. Captain America 8 – El Capi, President

A volume that contains the mythical phase of Captain America created by two of the greatest legends of wonder in the 1980s. Roger Stern and John Byrne have redefined Captain America in a handful of episodes in which new bad guys appear, and others already known change completely.

Subsequently, the formidable creative team formed by JM Dematteis and Mike Zeck enters the scene. For several years, this artistic couple has revitalized the sentinel of freedom and its world, through spectacular adventures combined with the development of Steve Rogers’ private life.

Aleres: Mike’s Tock, Alan Kupperberg, Lee Eliash, David, Dish Degrine, Evilgin, DV My Millid, Degry Anthony, Down
