Donny Cates continues on his stage until Thor’s position in a volume published by Panini Comics in the Marvel Deluxe line that will bring Odin’s son to face Hulk
Donny Catesone of those Terrible children From the comic book of recent years, has led to God of thunder At the levels of molia never seen until then during his short (much shorter than he deserved) to the position of the character. Now Panini Comics The second volume of compilation of this era takes us under the title of Marvel Deluxe. Thor by Donny Cates 2 – God of Hammer.

King of Asgard
In the first sets of this volume we are in a transition phase that quickly puts us in the context. Thor Now you have more responsibilities than being a member of Avengers: He is the king of Asgard. And this will bring some conflicts to the character who will be very well expressed when he maintains a debate stretched out with the Captain America. Thor can govern his kingdom and will do it in the body and soul, but at the same time it is no longer worth lifting the hammer.
All his fears and insecurities on the throne and his ability to live up to his father will be the main theme of the first numbers in which we will see his sister cross these pages Angelawhich will seem this time a typical of A Zodiac Knight of a goddess.
But soon things move and Thor will need the help of a team of avengers made up of pets (the ghost dog of the Strange doctorthe dragon of Kitty Pryde Lockheed, Jaw y Brog) When they communicate it Flour has disappeared …

Hammer God
After introducing us to the first sets of this volume to a not too charismatic Thor, Cates now stands for the next powerful arc of the character. Hammer God It is an exciting story in which you surprise e cliffhanger They are the tonic and where spectacularity reaches epic levels.
Perhaps the main problem of this arch could be that, in principle, the idea may seem forced and cheating. Do you find that Mjölnir now besides being a magical hammer does it have its awareness? But trust in the screenwriter is rewarded when everything is clarified and we are revealed who is behind all this intrigue. And to get to the end, our protagonist will be accompanied by nothing more and nothing less than his (sometimes yes, sometimes not) dear father, the relationship between this couple is the emotional and comic center of the story, is equivalent to one time Buddy-Movie.
In the graphics section it must be taken into consideration that it was already difficult to overcome the work of the great Michele Bandini In the first issue of the volume, but Nic Klein It is, at least, to its peak … What a pleasure it is to read the stories of Cates, full of fantasy elements and moments full of glory, with the drawings of these teachers!

Hulk vs Thor
After a respite after the adventure of the hammers (and the shocking and surprising end he has), there is a pause in which authors and artists of vital importance in Thor’s history such as Walter Simonson, Dan Jurgens, Olivier Coipel, J. Michael Straczynski or Jason Aaron They pass to offer some pages that work more as a tribute of anything else.
So Cates returns, this time next to Martín Coccolo (He does not do such a glorious job as his predecessors, but defends himself very well), to narrate yet another fight between Hulk And Thor. And while this is almost equally respectful of Giant emerald y They are grimmWe have certainly never seen something as much as what is presented to us. Cates takes advantage of the fact that at that time he was also a screenwriter of the Hulk series to take the topic calmly and make a good deployment of all the elements that can contribute to a struggle for this.
Unfortunately, these would be the latest number of cats in full form. Since the end of this volume, other screenwriters would have started to be credited to the cover for then unknown reasons, being later revealed that Cates underwent serious road accidents that made him lose his memory of months, so he had to move away from indefinitely working life , even if it seems that (finally!) He is preparing his return …
Him Volume Posted by Panini Comics On the rigid cover it contains 424 color pages with a size of 17 x 26 cm. and includes the translation of the American edition of Thor 15-26, Hulk vs. Thor: Banner of War: Alpha y Hulk 7 Y 8, In addition to all covers of the numbers included, an introduction written by Nacho tense And a section with extra material in the end. The recommended sale price is € 48 and was offered for sale in February 2025.

Marvel Deluxe. Thor by Donny Cates 2 – God of Hammer
Mjolnir is missing. Nobody can find it, not even Lady Sif. Thor must ask who at least he wants to ask: Odin. Because, until the hammer appears, nobody is safe in the ten kingdoms.
So, “War Flag”, the clash with Hulk. After the mysterious circumstances have conflicted them, the god of thunder can triumph against a banner of Bruce who now controls his anger?
Autores: Dan Jurgens, Pasqual Ferry, J. Michael Straczynski, Michele Bandini, Walter Simonson, Martín Cóccolo, Donny Cates, Nic Klein y Olivier Coipel