Kevin Feige Reveals Plans for X-Men in the MCU and the Return of Wolverine’s Yellow Suit

Kevin Feige

Marvel Studios President Kevin Feige once again talks about X-Men’s plans in the MCU and why it’s the right time for Jackman to don the yellow suit.

When Disney bought 20th Century Fox, announced in 2017 and completed in 2019, the biggest winner was Kevin Feige. With this merger, Marvel Studios regained the rights to the X-Men and the Fantastic Four, leaving only Spider-Man out of full control (although Feige had already spoken to Sony to share the blockbuster).

The first combination

The first of these Fox franchises to join the MCU will be Deadpool in the upcoming film Deadpool & Wolverine. Speaking to Variety about it, Feige commented: “It felt like fate. I’ve been at Marvel for over 20 years. “I never dreamed that all those Fox characters would be controlled by Marvel Studios.”

“When it happened, it was an amazing and huge opportunity. “Fantastic Four and the X-Men represent our comic book universe that we now have access to movies and series.

Regarding the freedom given to Shawn Levy and Ryan Reynolds’ mutants into the MCU, the executive added, “Pretty much everything was on the table.” From Ryan’s point of view, this movie is, first, Deadpool and Wolverine together for the first time, and second, Deadpool and his cast of characters get this entire timeline of the Marvel Cinematic Universe. He said.

Hugh Jackman Wolverine, Kevin Feige, Yellow Wolverine Suit, X-Men in MCU

Marvel Studios and their vision for the X-Men

Feige remained cryptic when asked about his plans for X-Men , but Marvel Studios has confirmed that it’s finally starting to lay the groundwork for its debut. “I’m not going to say when, but in recent years we’ve had hints that some people may one day have what’s known as a mutant gene,” he said. We will be very happy when we can explore.

Deadpool and Wolverine preview the long-awaited X-Men reboot, introducing Wolverine’s signature yellow and blue costume. Feige explained that getting the first big screen Wolverine made an obvious decision, including this charge.

“Hugh Jackman has never been seen in the character’s most iconic costume, being Superman in 10 movies and never wearing a Superman costume,” he said. “This is Wolverine’s proof that it doesn’t have to be. “The character is more than the costume.”

“When I found out Hugh was in, I went from studio mode to ‘You know you have to wear yellow, right?’

The return of Wolverine and its impact on the MCU

The addition of Hugh Jackman as Wolverine is not only for fans, but also a way to strengthen the connection between the old X-Men movies and the current MCU. Jackman has been the face of Wolverine since 2000, and his return to Deadpool & Wolverine promises to be a significant cinematic event.

Hugh Jackman Wolverine, Kevin Feige, Yellow Wolverine Suit, X-Men in MCU

Plus, the fact that he’s finally wearing his yellow and blue outfit is a tribute to the comics that many fans have been waiting years for. Not only does this satisfy long-time fan interest, but it also sets the standard for future depictions of comic book characters on film.

“It’s an exciting time to be a Marvel fan,” says Feige. “We have so many amazing stories to tell and characters that fans have loved for decades. Hugh’s return as Wolverine is just the beginning of what’s to come.”

The future of the X-Men in the MCU

Although Feige did not reveal when exactly we will see the X-Men in the MCU, the statements suggest that the mutants are already among us and are waiting for the right moment to come to light. This means that future Marvel movies and series will start introducing characters with mutant genes in subtle ways, setting the stage for a big debut.

Fans speculate that we might see references and cameos in upcoming productions like Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness or the new Disney+ series about Loki. Anticipation is at an all-time high and even though Feige is keeping secrets under lock and key, it’s clear that Marvel Studios has big plans for the X-Men and their stories.

With Deadpool and Wolverine paving the way, the future of mutants in the MCU looks bright and full of exciting possibilities. The film hits theaters on July 26, marking the beginning of a new era for Marvel and its fans.