Karate Kid: The New Movie A 2010 reboot will unite the universe of the original films.


    The next Karate Kid movie, the 2010 reboot, will bring back the main character from the first three movies along with the original cast.

    The new Karate Kid movie brings back two important characters from the franchise.

    Ralph Macchio and Jackie Chan together

    The Hollywood Reporter reports that the next Karate Kid movie will see Ralph Macchio reprise his role as Daniel LaRusso, and Jackie Chan as Mr. Han from the 2010 film, with Jonathan Entwistle directing the film. project, and Rob Lieber is writing the script.

    On the other hand, Macchio and Chan were shown in a video talking about casting and commented that they are looking for a Chinese actor to give life to the main character. Actors interested in auditioning should go to KarateKidCasting.com to register.

    Although not many plot details are available, the new report says the film will focus on a teenager from China who finds strength and direction through martial arts and a tough but wise mentor.

    With the return of Machio and Chan in the same Saga movie, it was confirmed that all Karate Kid projects will take place in the same universe.

    The newest film in the franchise has a December 13, 2024 release date.