Liga de la Justicia Internacional

Keith Giffen and JM DeMatteis are responsible for Justice League’s most legendary, iconic, and hilarious levels, and ECC Ediciones publishes the first of eight collected volumes.

There are many superhero comics written and drawn in the last century that we fondly remember from our childhood. But not many read it today and continue to retain the magic that made them timeless. Many continue to be reprinted thanks to nostalgia, but isn’t that the time when Keith Giffen and JM DeMathes put together the best of the series? DC Comics Heroes. ECC Ediciones collects the whole thing in eight volumes, and the first to come to us is Justice League International Vol. 1 of 8: Objections?

Against fashion

It was 1987 when a new Justice League series was released. Giffen and DeMatteis are primarily responsible for this new project from the group’s early incarnations…

The scope of his action was not limited to the United States of America (although not really) but was now international, serving the United Nations. And by the way, with the exception of Batman (and maybe Martian Hunter), we haven’t met the most famous heroes of the DC Universe: neither Superman, nor Hal Jordan, nor Wonder Woman, nor The Flash. In their place were Blue Beetle, Black Canary, Doctor Fate, Booster Gold, Mister Miracle and Guy Gardner taking center stage.

Visually, the series began to appear in mainstream American comics in those years and leads us to the creation of Image Comics in 1992, which did not suffer from excesses that reached a high boiling point. Here we have a careful Kevin Maguire as the main architect, very focused on the expressiveness and image of the characters, hallmarks of the series, sometimes he sins due to the lack of dynamics in his scenes.

Batman, DC, DC Comics, ECC Editions

Comics sitcom

But if this series stood out for one thing, it was humor as its flagship. The pajama plots took a backseat to leave as much room as possible for the dynamics between the characters, for witty and funny dialogues, and for situations that would bring a smile to even the most serious reader.

Although this approach may not seem so relevant today, in the late 1980s, in theory, DC Comics’ main superhero series was at least bold and risky enough to achieve this tone. The result was a platform that remains one of the group’s most legendary and has many uses considering the destructive nature of its use.

The authors had room to introduce social and political themes in their stories, while this was believed to be supported by public support, creating stories that today can be seen as the originals of a screenwriter like Mark. Russell wrote.

Batman, DC, DC Comics, ECC Editions

Second level to power

The fact that no other screenwriter would have dared to put him in this group has given rise to the fact that for a while Goldilocks, Blue Beetle or Guy Gardner became favorites of many readers. After this point their popularity has waned considerably and they are rarely remembered for their supporting roles, but perhaps that is about to change now that James Gunn is in charge of the DC Comics film division…

In more recent times, Tom King recalled these characters in his story Human Target. Although humor is by no means the main attraction, the purpose of paying homage to such great jokes is clear.

In short, with this new edition, ECC Ediciones gives us the chance to fall in love again with stories full of imagination and humor, or to discover for the first time and understand the reason for their fame…

This volume is presented in hardcover, contains 360 color pages and includes a translation of the American edition of the Justice League numbers. 1-6, Justice League International no. 7-12, Justice League Annual Vol. 1-2, JLA 80-page massive no. 1 and bonus book 7, plus an introduction by DeMatteis and a short final chapter with bonus material. The recommended retail price is €43 and it goes on sale in May 2024.

Justice League International

Justice League International Vol. 1 of 8: Objections?

In one stroke Benefactor, Batman, Martian Manhunter, Blue Beetle, Guy Gardner, Black Canary, Dr. Fate and other heroes form a new incarnation of the Justice League. After entering a foreign country to avert a nuclear disaster and confronting the powerful Gray Man, the group finds itself on an international level protected by none other than the United Nations. But will the planet survive the Justice League International, who would rather waste their time than face their enemies?

The compilation of the comic Justice League International begins with the essential opening scenes written by Keith Giffen and JM DeMatteis and drawn by Kevin Maguire and Giffen himself.

Authors: Bill Willingham, JM DeMats, Mark Asquith, Keith Giffen, David Levine, Mike McConnell, Steve Leiloha, Kevin Maguire, Bart Sears, Ty Templeton, Dean Haspiel, Tim Gula, and James Webb.