The huge edition of the first Bogavante Johnson complete with Mike Mignola, John Arcudi and Dave Stewart arrives via Norma Editorial
After the wonderful complete deluxe format compilation of the series Hell boy, From Abe Sapiens and of AIDP, Editorial standard continued with the publication of Lobster Johnson in this same format. With its first volume (of two) this series sets the tone pulp of a story that works on its own but also enriches the universe in which it is inserted.

Superheroes of the 1940s
Beyond the multiple decades-long influences that we can find in the Hellboy universe, in Lobster Johnson Mr. Mike Mignola focuses mainly on those heroes of the first half of the 20th century who fought crime without the big demonstrations that people like Superman or Iron Man they use today.
The shadow Yes Doctor Savage They would probably be the two most obvious references when talking about this vigilante, and therefore the time frame in which these stories will be placed could only be that of America in the years preceding the Second World War. Cities are overrun with violent criminals, and brave police officers are the last line of defense to keep restless citizens safe from harm.
This is how we can find a common basis between this series and, for example, those containing the complete volumes of black and white landscapes published by Dolmen editorial who save classic comics. But the difference, in addition to being written decades apart and having a modern narrative ambition, is that magical touch that makes Bogavante Johnson retain all the magic of those old stories. pulp but ignoring its defects resulting from the sign of the times.

Adventures in the Hellboy universe
Mignola, with the collaboration of his partner usual Giovanni Arcudiis here responsible for shaping this character that will function in the Hellboy universe as a classic reference to a hero of the past, although he will sometimes share panels with a well-known character from this world.
From the first issue (be careful, here the stories are not collected in chronological order of publication but ordered sequentially) the authors strive to create a world building solid and coherent on which each new story will be based. And it’s a complicated task when we’re talking about a main character who doesn’t evolve, so the enrichment of his world is rather nourished by the construction of his own mythology full of villains and secondary characters.
The plots of the stories have, by their very nature, an important naive component which includes elements such as supernatural beings, crazy doctorsmafias, urban corruption and, of course, Nazis.

Cartoon avant-garde
In the graphics section we mainly find a wonderful Tonci Zonjic whose style can remind us, in terms of character and design of the environment, that of Bruce Timm from the animated series Batmansomething enough cartoon. But the Croatian artist is not satisfied with this charming and comfortable tone, but adds a very attractive and dynamic visual narrative, full of resources that manage to raise the quality of the work when the time comes for the action sequences.
Regarding the edition, it should be noted that this first complete volume of Lobster Johnson presented by Norma Editorial is available in a luxury hardcover format, with a page size of 17 x 26 cm. The recommended retail price is €39.50 and was available from September 2024.
The volume consists of 448 color pages and includes the translation of the original edition of the first three plot volumes of the series which contain the stories Lobster Johnson: The Burning Hand #1-5, Lobster Johnson: Caput Mortuum, Lobster Johnson: Satan Smells a Rat, Lobster Johnson: Tony Masso’s Finest Hour, Lobster Johnson: A Scent of Lotus #1-2, Lobster Johnson: Neferu’s Prayer, Lobster Johnson: Get the lobster #1-5 years Hellboy Winter Special 2018plus a juicy section of bonus material.

Whole lobster Johnson 1
Leaving the pages of Hell boy Yes AIDPLobster Johnson amazed one and all with his exciting adventures pulp. Finally collected in complete format, here are the exploits of Hellboy’s favorite vigilante.
Includes stories previously published in: THE BURNING HAND, SATAN SMELLS THE CAKE, GO FOR THE LOBSTER! and the hitherto unpublished story THE EMPTY CHAIR.
With the art of Tonci Zonjic, Joe Querio, Kevin Nowlan, Sebastián Fiumara, Wilfredo Torres and the color of Dave Stewart
Authors: Mike MignolaJohn Arcudi, Tonci Zonjic, Joe Querio, Kevin Nowlan, Sebastián Fiumara, Wilfredo Torres and Dave Stewart