James Gunn gives his vision of how the Guardians of the Galaxy will continue in the MCU

James Gunn - Guardianes de la Galaxia

James Gunn has hinted at how he sees the future of the Guardians of the Galaxy in the third installment and leaves with the team of heroes we know.

The Guardians of the Galaxy have left an indelible mark on the vast interstellar universe of the MCU. Following the release of “Guardians of the Galaxy #3” and the holiday special, director James Gunn, who turned this team into a cosmic superhero icon, passed the torch. But what plans does Gunn have for the future of Guardians in the MCU? Gunn, now at the helm of DC Studios, shares his vision for the continuation of this intergalactic story.

A New Age of Guardians: Exploring the Space Paths

Gunn expressed hope that the new team formed in “Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3” will move forward in the MCU. Although some characters from the original team will not return, Gunn is confident that a new director will be able to carry the story of this renewed team forward.

The new team of Guardians, led by Rocket Raccoon, includes Groot, Cosmo the Space Dog, Phila, Kraglin, and Adam Warlock, along with his pet Blurp. This change of guard opens up endless possibilities for future stories. Marvel Studios president Kevin Feige may choose a new director for “Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 4” and even rebrand the franchise, starting a new trilogy.

A universe of possibilities

The next Avengers movies, “Kang Dynasty” and “Secret Wars” may follow the trend of the previous episodes and include guards. Peter Quill’s solo project, played by Chris Pratt, may bring Rocket and his team together somehow. Plus, space projects in development like the Nova series would be the perfect setting for the Guardians return.

Guardians of the Galaxy - New Members - UCM -

James Gunn’s legacy in the MCU has made a difference, and his vision for the future of Guardians of the Galaxy promises to keep alive the spark of adventure, humor, and excitement that characterizes this team. Fans can expect a journey full of surprises and cosmic action as they explore new characters and narratives. The MCU universe continues to expand, and Guardians of the Galaxy is poised to continue to be a fundamental part of this interstellar odyssey.

The Guardians of the Galaxy have become one of the most fascinating and versatile teams in the MCU. With James Gunn’s legacy, many opportunities have been created for future stories that could further enrich this universe.

A fascinating twist is exploring the origin stories of lesser-known characters like Fila and Cosmo the Space Dog. These tales can delve deeper into their lives before joining Guardians, providing a rich emotional and narrative context.

Guardians of the Galaxy movieGuardians of the Galaxy movie

Another area with great potential is solo adventures. For example, a film based on Rocket Raccoon and his past can explore themes of identity and belonging, giving the character more depth. Similarly, a film or series about Adam Warlock, newly introduced to the MCU, will allow viewers to delve into his complex history and unique powers, expanding the MCU’s cosmic history.

Crossovers with other MCU characters like the Nova series or the Avengers offer another interesting avenue. These collaborations can lead Guardians to meet new factions and face threats on a bigger scale, providing fresh dynamics and exciting action moments.

“what if…?” Along those lines, we can’t rule out the possibility of stories that explore alternate realities or time travel. These narratives can present alternative versions of Guardians by presenting unexpected and exciting situations.