James Gunn denies rumors of filming The Batman – Part II and III

James Gunn

James Gunn has appeared to deny rumors that Matt Reeves was planning to direct the second and third installments of Batman.

Originally, The Batman – Part II was slated for release on October 3, 2025. However, with 2024 starting with few official updates and the possibility of strikes disrupting production, the film has been pushed back by a full year to October 2, 2026. The lack of news in recent months has caused concern among fans, who fear that the continuation of Matt Reeves has been canceled. Although this possibility seems remote, we are assured that everything is still on track.

Official denial by James Gunn

The latest rumor circulating today suggests that The Batman – Part II will begin filming next year and that Reeves will be back filming the third installment. Given the time spent developing the sequel and Reeves’ previous comments about expanding the “Batverse,” this news seems plausible. However, DC Studios co-CEO James Gunn denied the report via threads.

Jeff Snyder weighed in on the conversation, speculating that we might get an official announcement about DC Studios’ franchise plans in the near future. Snyder wrote on Twitter: “I’ve seen a lot of misinformation about BATMAN on my timeline today. None of you have any idea what’s going on behind the scenes with Batman. None of you are right. Trust me… and bear with @MattReevesLA.”

James Gunn denied the rumors about Batman

It’s just a rumor as of today. Recently, Logan and The Sandman actor Boyd Holbrook were reportedly in talks to play Harvey Dent/Two-Face. This may be true, but it looks like we’ll have to wait a while to confirm it.

James Gunn, Matt Reeves, rumor desmentido, The Batman - Parte II

When the new DCU projects were announced, Gunn confirmed that Reeves’ Batverse would be set apart from the DCU, so this film would be considered “otherworldly” stories along with Todd Phillips’ Joker sequel.

Future projects and characters

A new actor dons the cape and cowl in Batman: The Brave and the Bold, which features Damian Wayne, son of the caped crusader, a different interpretation of Robin. Robert Pattinson, Zoe Kravitz, Andy Serkis, Jeffrey Wright and Colin Farrell are expected to reprise their respective roles, and characters from the Max spin-off series Penguins may appear. As for official information, Reeves said that his sequel will continue this “crime story”, but there are not many more details.

Rumor has it that the story will be partially based on Geoff John’s Batman: Earth One. The first movie was partially inspired by Volume 1, so we’re guessing the sequel will have more influence on Volumes 2 and 3. For those unfamiliar with the comic, Earth One is set in an alternate continuity and features an updated and more realistic reinterpretation. Batman’s classic origins and characteristics. Hush does not appear, but later volumes include Clayface, Scarecrow, and a version of Two-Face by Harvey Dent’s twin sister, Jessica.

James Gunn, Matt Reeves, rumor desmentido, The Batman - Parte II

Although rumors can be interesting and speculative, it is important to wait for official confirmations before taking any information lightly. With James Gunn quashing current rumours, it’s clear that there’s still a lot to discover about Batman’s future – Part II and III. Fans will have to stay tuned for official announcements to know the true fate of this long-awaited franchise.