Is The Wolf Among Us 2 in danger of being cancelled? Telltale responds to the latest rumors about the video game

Noticias Videojuegos, Telltale, The Wolf Among Us 2

The Wolf Among Us 2 has had a complicated development, and the latest rumors about the video game say that the title will risk being shelved

Speech counting has denied the latest rumors relating to the video game industry, in particular the one that talks about the development of The wolf among us 2.

The upcoming video game The Wolf Among Us will not be cancelled

According to a source who claims to have inside information on Telltale Games, The video game The Wolf Among Us 2 would risk being shelved due to lack of funding. Rumors say that the Telltale team is at a “critical point where they may have no choice but to shelve the project.” However, a company representative assured in a new statement that this information is not true.

“We typically don’t comment on rumors or unfounded discussions on Reddit. But development on The Wolf Among Us 2 continues, and we’re excited to share more about the game with Telltale fans and our community when the time is right.”

It’s good to know that the development of the video game continues, but the truth is that it is currently unclear when it will be released.