In the year In 1994, the Fantastic Four actor asked for the film to be released


Actor Joseph Culp, who played Victor Von Doom in the low-budget Roger Corman film, continues to fight for the film’s official release.

When the film was released years ago, no one thought it would become a cult phenomenon. The film was produced by German filmmaker Bernd Eichinger, who was about to lose the film rights to Super Hero Group, so he accelerated the film’s production with Corman.

Campaign for the release of the first Fantastic Four movie

In recent months, Culp has repeatedly asked for the release of the film. Now he’s shared a link to an appeal with thousands of signatures, urging Marvel and Disney to officially release this version while working on the new Fantastic Four movie.

The petition highlights the importance of the film in the Fantastic Four story, the fact that the film was written by Stan Lee and, despite being made on a limited budget, managed to capture the spirit of the original comedies with humor, drama and vivid characters. Fans believe that this film deserves a remastered version to be enjoyed in all its glory.

“Devoted Fantastic Four fans know there is a missing piece in the beloved F4 story: the unreleased 1994 film originally produced by Roger Corman and directed by Ollie Sassoon,” the petition reads. Although it was produced on a low budget, it lived on in popular culture for thirty years based on a screenplay by Stan Lee and pirated copies.

Joseph Culp Victor Von Doom Cult Movie Fantastic Four Fantastic Four Movie 1994 Petition Marvel Release Film Roger Corman Fantastic Four

“It’s time for Marvel Studios to remaster and release this hidden gem on streaming, Blu-ray, and live-action platforms. Improved visual effects, a new sound mix and the use of modern CGI technology can bring this ancient story into the modern era without losing its original charm.

A question with many more things

The petition suggests including additional material, such as interviews and comments from the original cast and crew, to provide valuable insight into how this particular episode was created. Additionally, it shows that over 20 million Fantastic Four fans worldwide appreciate this content.

“The release of this film not only adds another title to Marvel’s catalog, but also fills a gap in our understanding of how one of cinema’s most enduring franchises came to be,” the petition concludes. “By releasing and remaking the 1994 film, we can shine a light on a forgotten chapter in the history of superhero cinema.

Why was the movie not released?

According to Roger Corman, the film was not released because Eichinger had reached a deal with Fox to make a bigger budget version of Fantastic Four. As part of the deal, Eichinger agreed not to release a multi-million dollar version.

Corman explained: “It can’t have an official release. It was started by German producer Bernd Eichinger, who owned all the rights to Fantastic Four. He came to me in October one year and said that if I didn’t start shooting before the end of the year, the option on the rights would expire, and he said he had a $30 million budget, but he didn’t have $30. million. He asked me if he could do it for less money. I said how much do you have. ‘I have a million dollars,’ he said.

“Part of the deal was that I would have a certain amount of time to see if I could get a deal with a major studio. If he didn’t, I’d start it, but if he did, he’d pay me more money. It was close to when I was going to release it, and he made a deal with Fox, and part of the deal was that he wouldn’t release the million-dollar movie because Because it interferes with what is shown in the end, a 60 million dollar film.

“So simply by contract, this film cannot be released officially, but there are pirated copies.”

Joseph Culp Victor Von Doom Cult Movie Fantastic Four Fantastic Four Movie 1994 Petition Marvel Release Film Roger Corman Fantastic Four

The future of cult film

Although Culp’s petition was widely accepted, Marvel and Disney are unlikely to officially release the film. However, fan sentiment and the story behind the 1994 film keep it alive in pop culture, reminding us that it was a special time in superhero cinema history.

If you like the story and want to support the cause, you can find the petition online and join the thousands of fans who have already signed it. Maybe, one day, we’ll see this historic piece recreated for everyone!