Ian McKellen fell off the stage at one of his last shows

ian mckellen

In a shocking turn of events, popular actor Ian McKellen has been hospitalized after collapsing during a performance in London.

A night at the London theater was cut short when Sir Ian McKellen lost his balance and fell in front of the stage during a performance of the Play Kings at the Noel Coward Theatre. The lights came on immediately and McKellen called for help before being taken to the hospital as he was conscious. Despite initial concerns, details about his current health are still shrouded in mystery, leaving fans and viewers skeptical.

A work that brilliantly revived many of Shakespeare’s famous characters, McKellen returned to the London stage to play John Falstaff, an unforgettable role in the production. The event comes in the midst of a 12-week series of shows that now face the inevitable uncertainty.

The support of your colleagues

Among the crowd was Sandro Trapani, who witnessed the accident. “I really hope he’s okay,” he said worriedly, adding that McKellen seemed alert and able to communicate as he called for help. This incident led to the evacuation of the theater and the cancellation of that evening’s performance, a tragedy for a theater season that had many hopes.

This is not the first time McKellen has had physical problems. In the year In 2019, before a performance of King Lear, he injured his leg while running to catch a train. Despite his illness, he chose to sit on stage and answer questions from the audience, showing his unwavering commitment to his art and his audience.

Ian McKellenIan McKellen

Will he return to bigger roles?

Ian McKellen has left an indelible mark on the film industry with his varied and deeply emotional performances throughout his acclaimed career. In addition to his iconic roles as Gandalf in The Lord of the Rings and Magneto in the X-Men films, McKellen also shined in lesser-known but equally influential roles. His performance as James Whale in Gods and Monsters earned him several award nominations, highlighting his ability to bring complex and complicated characters to life. In Mr. Holmes, he explores the aging and frailty of the retired Sherlock Holmes, adding humanity and sadness to the iconic character, demonstrating his versatility and depth as an actor.

Beyond his Shakespearean performances, McKellen is internationally known for his iconic roles in the X-Men films and Gandalf in The Lord of the Rings. Recent rumors suggest that he may return to these universes as expected in the upcoming Deadpool and Wolverine movie, especially since he is interested in crossovers and cameos in the Marvel multiverse. Also, with Andy Serkis directing a new Lord of the Rings movie, the possibility of seeing McKellen again as Gandalf cannot be ruled out, although he has joked about the urgency of the project given his age.

Ian McKellenIan McKellen

Ian McKellen’s downfall has sparked an outpouring of support and concern from his fans and colleagues. While we await more news about his recovery and the future of his projects, his indomitable spirit and dedication to theater continue to be a source of inspiration. In McKellen’s words, it’s always possible to return to the characters he loves even without a script or actual delivery, “As long as I’m still alive,” he says with a mix of humor and defiance in the face of time. , but he always thinks to enjoy his work and art.