Huge Halo Leak Shows Build of Game So Early It Was Still Third-Person

Master Chief stands in a jungle and holds a gun in Halo 4

The leaks appear to have become the biggest video game news of 2024. The most recently affected studio was Halo Studios, with content from the first Halo projects that arrive on the Internet.

The last few years have been filled with massive leaks. The first was Rockstar’s 2022 leaks, which saw hours of never-before-seen (and still secret) gameplay footage Grand Theft Auto 6 end up online, ultimately leading to an arrest. Then 2024 was filled with Pokémon leaks, including this totally bizarre Typhlosion story that should never be mentioned again. The latest leak to make waves came from Halo Studios, taking players back two decades.

Halo Leaks Reveals Old-School Halo Games

The leak was traced to the excavation site

Master Chief stands in a jungle and holds a gun in Halo 4


The Halo Franchise Will Change Again – For Better or Worse

Halo has changed significantly over the years, but its most recent change may be its most monumental.

Leaked behind-the-scenes content dates back to 26 years ago when Halo was released. The 90 GB of data includes archived content like playable betas, developer tools, and internal documents. These documents include mission descriptions, campaign overviews, and even a technical manual.

The unreleased content dates back to 1998, with players largely focusing on a third-person demo that had never been revealed before. Players viewed leaked screenshots and gameplay footage from early development of Advanced combat. The data files also include the E3 2000 version of the game, which was used to create the trailer for the first Xbox console.

What is the Digsite Project?

Are they responsible for the leak?


What the next Halo campaign could look like

Microsoft has confirmed that new Halo games are in the works. What could the next Halo campaign look like?

The leaks are known as the “Halo Digsite Archive” since the origin of the leaked content appears to be the Halo Digsite project. This was confirmed by several people close to the Digsite project, including a Digsite modder who claimed that it was a real leak, but that former team members were not responsible.

The modder tweeted: “I, nor any of the recent Digsite departures, have done this. » They added, however, that the leaked content actually came from the Digsite project.

Digsite is a team of Halo Studio employees and modders who teamed up to recover previously cut content Halo games then turn it into mods for the game. The team would scour the Halo Studio archives to find these surviving files, then work on them so they could be used in the game, often creating new animations, textures and more .

Unfortunately, the project did not go as planned. A former Digsite member admitted to leaving the team due to money problems. Employees and modders signed up knowing it was a voluntary position, but the lack of support from the studio ultimately made the project difficult to maintain. Meanwhile, “half” of the team was unable to pay rent or food if they continued to devote most of their time to the project.


Halo developer rebrands and teases new projects

The veteran studio announced that it will change its name to Halo Studios and use Unreal Engine 5 for its upcoming projects.

“It was made clear to us that [Halo 2] E3 was more successful than Microsoft expected, and they want us to deliver another version of this level, still without payment or resources,” said Digsite abandonment. “I don’t believe the studio behind Halo will genuinely engage or support the legacy or community interests of Halo with sincerity or authenticity for multiple reasons, also partly why we stopped.”

Despite this unfortunate problem with the Digsite project, the modder stressed that no one on the team was leaking the content. This is a little hard to believe since the leaked content comes from Digsite’s archives and works. However, there is there is currently no evidence as to who leaked all the old Halo content or why.

Halo Infinite was strongly criticized by the Halo community. It seemed to have great potential, but a lot of things kept its story and multiplayer gameplay from being the best it could be. Halo Studios further dug itself into players’ eyes when it didn’t really seem interested in Digsite’s efforts, despite many OG players expressing passion for previous games. The players hope that the future of Halo explores its roots and what made the games so popular in the first place. For now, the leaks are a reminder of what first attracted many players to the Halo series.