We have many ways to know the small details of the digitization of media and information, and between puppets, interviews and soundtracks, the films themselves have become spoilers.
In an age of merchandising and digital trailers everywhere, movies often suffer from unintentional spoilers. From “Toy Story 3” to “Avengers: Infinity War,” various movies have seen their key moments previewed by toys, interviews or trailers. This trend is far from unique, it has become a recurring phenomenon in the film industry.
Digitalization of media and instant access to information has changed the viewer experience. Where once there was mystery and expectation, we now often find premature revelations. Precautions taken by directors and producers, such as the Russo brothers’ anti-spoiler measures for “Avengers: Endgame,” combat the inevitability of leaks in an interconnected world.
Unexpected spoilers: When toys and trailers talk a lot
“Toy Story 3” and Lego Compact
The Lego set “Toy Story 3” inadvertently foreshadowed the film’s climactic scene, stealing the emotional impact of the saga’s darkest sequence. The innocence of the doll contrasts with the seriousness of the scene, showing how commodification inadvertently interferes with the film’s narrative.
“Justice League” and the return of Superman
The resurrection of Superman in “Justice League” was an open secret, already confirmed by Funko Pop figures and other toys. This case highlights how even seemingly minor details in merchandising can reveal significant plot twists.

“Avengers: Infinity War”: Ruffalo and the accidental destroyer
In an interview ahead of the premiere of “Avengers: Infinity War,” Mark Ruffalo subtly dropped a comment hinting at the film’s shocking ending. This incident highlights how even actors can be an unwitting source of spoilers.
“Terminator 2”: The trailer that says it all
The “Terminator 2” trailer has put to rest any doubts about Arnold Schwarzenegger’s role as John Connor’s protector. This example highlights that trailers intended to attract viewers can sometimes be overexposed.
“Star Wars: The Phantom Menace” and explanatory soundtrack
The “Star Wars: The Phantom Menace” soundtrack contains track titles hinting at the fate of Key-Gon Jin, a musical spoiler proving that even the subtlest elements of a production can reveal important secrets.
“The Dark Knight” and the death of Commissioner Gordon
In the film, the trailer inadvertently revealed the existence of Commissioner Gordon, played by Gary Oldman. Although he appears to be dead waiting for Gotham’s mayor in the film, Gordon’s then-unspoken key line in the film leads the audience to correctly assume that he is still alive. This suggests that the studio doesn’t want to rule out Oldman’s chances for future sequels.

“Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back” and the failed interview with Darth Vader
On the other hand, in “Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back” (1980), David Prowse, the actor behind Darth Vader’s mask, accidentally reveals that Vader is Luke Skywalker’s father, two years before the film’s release. Although this plot was partially preserved by the lack of digital media at the time, today, revelations of this magnitude can be spread quickly, reaching a global audience within hours.
So we see how this phenomenon is an inevitable companion of modern cinema. Be it puppets, movie trailers or interview papers, these leaks are part of modern cinematic experiences. Although spoilers can reduce the surprise, they generate debate and speculation, enriching the cultural phenomenon that is cinema in their own way.