Galactus recruits his new heralds in a new series of What If…=


Hulk or Spider-Gwen, Galactus’ New Heralds? Marvel Explores the Cosmic Possibilities of Uniting Other Characters with the World-Eater

In the Marvel Universe, Galactus has recruited some of the most iconic heroes to become his new heralds. cosmic. The comic series What if…?which will be released next January, invites us to explore alternate realities in which characters like Hulk, Gambit, Rogue, Moon Knight and Spider-Gwen not only gain new cosmic abilities, but also face far-reaching moral dilemmas.

Galactus and his new heralds

From the iconic Silver Surfer to surprising characters like Doctor Strange and Ghost Rider, many have served Galactus. However, the upcoming series promises unprecedented adventures an all-star cast of veteran Marvel talent and promising newcomersEach issue will explore how these heroes, imbued with cosmic power, face trials that challenge their humanity.

  • Hulk, the indomitable force at the service of the cosmos

The first number stands out to the incredible Hulk, who becomes the strongest warrior under the command of Galactus. The key question that arises is what represents a greater challenge: trying to direct the Green Giant’s rampage or allowing the brilliant mind of Bruce Banner to solve a cosmic problem that could upset the balance of the multiverse.

  • Gambit, the cosmic charm of the most skilled thief

Gambit has always been known for his charisma and exceptional thieving skills. With cosmic power coursing through his veins, he becomes unstoppable. Can he pull off the most daring heist the Multiverse has ever seen?

  • Moon Knight, a hero torn between gods

When Khonshu and Galactus clash, Moon Knight finds himself in the middle of a celestial conflict. Become the new Herald, you must master your newly acquired powers and face the ancient Heralds to save Earth from annihilation.

Galactus, Gampio, Hulk, Marvel, Marvel comic, Marvel Comics, Moon Knight, Pícara, Spider-Gwen
  • An unimaginable and rogue power in the hands of a rebel

Young Rogue changes the course of her history by absorbing the Power Cosmic of the Silver Surfer. Though blessed with unimaginable power, she must also shoulder the burden of serving as the new herald, leading her on space adventures filled with conflict and crucial decisions.

  • Spider-Gwen, the cosmic heroine between worlds

After helping an injured herald of Galactus, Spider-Gwen is granted powers and responsibilities that take her across the galaxy. Despite her new role, her heroic nature remains intact, leading her to ally herself with the inhabitants of an alien world. in a courageous attempt to challenge one of the greatest powers in the cosmos.

Transformed Heroes and Cosmic Challenges

With the arrival of the series What if…?, Marvel doesn’t just reinvent its charactersbut it also raises questions about the implications of such transformations on the larger narrative of the Marvel Universe. This isn’t the first time Marvel has toyed with dramatic alternatives for its heroes, but with the introduction of similar characters Hulk and Spider-Gwen as heralds presents an unexplored field of narrative possibilities.

The focus on such diverse characters ensures a rich exploration of themes. as power, responsibility, and personal sacrifice. Compared to their predecessors, these new heralds have the potential to challenge the usual perception of heroes and antiheroes in the Marvel Universe. By employing heroes with deeply human and complicated histories, Marvel weaves a narrative that promises to keep fans on the edge of their seats, speculating on every decision and its universal consequences.

Every story of What if…? promises not only cosmic action and adventure, but also deep explorations of what it means to be a hero in extraordinary circumstances. With new designs from artist Ron Lim, these heroes will not only look different, but will also face challenges that could change their very essence.