For what "Shanks" Are you so interested in finding Loki One Piece Chapter 1135?

Luffy using Haki in One Piece

Shanks is one of the most influential pirates in all of the world. One piecebeing a Yonko who influenced Monkey D. Luffy’s rise as the future Pirate King, but Shanks is perhaps the most mysterious character in the Grand Line, with conflicting motivations that almost make it seem like he is more than just a person. From stopping the war at the top to secretly meeting with the Five Elders despite his status as a pirate, Shanks’ actions seem contradictory.

With the revelation that Shanks may not be the only red-haired person on Elbaph, theories have been circulating about the true identity of “Shanks”, someone with an uncanny resemblance to the Sea Emperor, especially now that he’s supposed to go away. Elbaf. Who exactly is this copycat, and why is he so interested in finding Loki?


How Haki Changed One Piece’s Power System and Saved Devil Fruits

The introduction of Haki in One Piece rescued an outdated power system and gave new life to Devil Fruits with more complexity and depth.

Shanks’ doppelganger will destroy Elbaph

Shanks’ contradictory agenda

Shanks is perhaps the Grand Line’s most famous and powerful Yonko, rising from not-so-humble beginnings as a cabin boy on Gol D. Roger’s ship, eventually becoming Whitebeard’s equal as a as Emperor of the Sea. From encouraging Luffy to pursue his dreams to ending the war at the top, Shanks is apparently one of the few pirates with a heart of gold, going so far as to keep the weakest pirates except in the second half of Grand Line, absorbing them into its vast fleet of allied ships, despite their overall weakness as pirates.

On the surface, Shanks is not only a great pirate, but also a good person who keeps his friends safe and lives his life with the utmost freedom, just like Luffy. However, Shanks has many contradictory actions throughout One piecethe story. Shanks met with the Five Elders in secret, despite his position as Yonko, which raised many eyebrows, considering Shanks is one of the most wanted men in the world. And the reason behind this apparent meeting was to discuss the dangers of Blackbeard as a pirate and how the Five Elders should take Teach much more seriously, which is almost in character for Shanks, except for the fact that the Five Elders would never meet Shanks without good reason. But more importantly, Shank’s iconic scar was missing from his face during his meeting with the World Government leaders, which was not lost on most keen-eyed fans.


Shanks’ Evil Twin Is the Perfect Villain for the Elbaf Arc

One of One Piece’s wildest fan theories has been confirmed at the best possible time.

And now with the appearance of “Shanks” on Elbaph (or Elbaf), either Oda forgot that Shanks is currently off the island and getting closer to One pieceor this person is not Shanks, and he either has a twin or a double who works in the shadows. And if there is indeed another Shanks, the potential ramifications for Elbaph are dire indeed, as Shanks has incalculable sway and influence over the giant nation, being after all its central territory. This fake “Shanks” may not be a Yonko, but his power over Elbaph is almost absolute given that there is currently no king of the island, Harald having been murdered by Loki.

With two Shanks operating simultaneously, this opens the door to endless possibilities between real and fake. Twin brothers, a doppelganger, or possible devil fruit powers, the sky’s the limit, but one thing’s for sure: “Shanks” will be a key villain in the Elbaph Arc, maybe even more so. important than Loki himself, especially if “Shanks” shoots. the strings of shadow. If “Shanks” has his way, Loki could face a shorter prison sentence than initially thought, but his motives in searching for Loki are still up in the air.

Loki’s role in the Elbaf Arc

Why Loki will determine Elbaf’s fate

Monkey D. Luffy attacks Loki in One Piece

Loki has a claim to the throne of Elbaf, but after murdering Harald, the former king, for a devil fruit, his future as monarch will only be achieved through violent means. And that’s assuming Loki even wants the throne, since he wants to end the world. If “Shanks” has his way, Loki may have another chance to claim the throne, but at the very least, Loki’s freedom will bring untold chaos across Elbaf.

Initially, Loki was intended to be Elbaph’s main villain.but now that “Shanks” is in the picture, it’s much more likely that the fake will have a major role to play in future events on the island, to the point where he could replace Loki as the main antagonist, which could create the perfect parallel between the real Shanks and Luffy now that the two are about to come to blows over the One piece. Loki’s role in the arc will likely center around his lust for power, using cunning and malice to escape his bonds, but his larger goal of destroying the world is still unclear.


One Piece Reveals Elbaph’s Ancient Connection to the Sun Gods

The Land of Elbaph has hosted at least three people called the Sun God, which could affect Luffy’s reception on the island.

Loki’s connection to Luffy is also a point of contention, referring to himself as the Sun God to the population of Elbaph, since the giants worship the Sun God as a deity, perhaps due to Joyboy’s past interventions on the island during the Empty Century. It is likely that Loki is using the Sun God name as a way to legitimize himself in the eyes of the giants, but it is unlikely that there is any broader connection between him and the Warrior of Liberation other than the use of that name to glory.

“Shanks” will likely free Loki, who will go on a rampage on Elbaph, or at the very least, take power to achieve his goal of destroying the world using the powers of his devil fruit, which has not yet been revealed. It’s only a matter of time before Loki escapes and comes to blows with Luffy and the Straw Hats as they find themselves in the middle of a new crisis after arriving on a new island. But Loki’s success will depend entirely on what “Shanks” chooses to do and his overall motivations for getting to Elbaph in the first place. He’s already made an enemy of Luffy for his harsh words towards the real Shanks, and his lies are unlikely to have any effect on Luffy, so the only real test of strength will be the revelation of Loki’s devil fruit.

“Shanks” and his connection to the World Government

Does Shanks have an evil twin?

Shanks' Twin Talks to the Five Elders - One Piece

Shanks’ story is vague at best and mysterious at worst. Some theories suggest that Shanks is the son of Figarland Garlingthe newest member of the Five Elders. And if this is indeed Shanks’ real father, then the possibility that “Shanks” is an evil twin brother who works for the World Government isn’t too far-fetched. This would explain how “Shanks” could meet the Five Elders without risking capture, but his interest in Blackbeard creates more questions than answers, since the real Shanks has a real rivalry with Teach.

Currently, there are too many unknowns surrounding what Shanks does and doesn’t know, as it is completely unclear whether or not he knows his true lineage and if he does, Shanks may not know still not that he has a twin. The true nature of “Shanks” and his connection to the real one will become clear with time, but this mystery may finally reveal Shank’s true history and lineage, with a possible connection to the World Government and the Elder Five themselves . It’s unlikely that Shanks is completely in the dark, given that he previously indicated that he knows more than he lets on, particularly on the subject of Joyboy and mentoring Luffy after eating the Gumu Gumu no Mi, the fruit that the red-haired pirates used. had just stolen a secret government ship.


Who is the most legendary character depicted in One Piece Lore?

The history of One Piece is full of legendary characters with considerable influences like Monkey D. Luffy, Gol D. Roger and Joy Boy.

With the earth-shattering events of Egghead, Figarland Garling has taken center stage as the major and key antagonist of the final saga, and it would make sense for Oda to further flesh out his character with connections to other characters, such as the fake. “Shanks” and even the real one if he is really Shanks’ real father. Either way, it’s clear that this “Shanks” is directly connected to the highest levels of world government, colluding with the Five Elders, and perhaps even knowing some of the world’s greatest secrets.

Overall, while “Shanks” has just made his appearance on Elbaph, his time in the narrative may have been spent in the shadows, right under fans’ noses, with how easily it is to swapping real and fake Shanks in a given scene, with the only indicator being Shanks’ iconic scar from Blackbeard. Regardless, this fake “Shanks” has a role to play in Elbaph and the broader final saga of One piece.