Finding Nemo 3 could be in jeopardy for Pixar.


Despite the success of the second part, Pixar is not completely clear about the development of the third part of Nemo.

Media reports that 'Finding Nemo 3' will be in the development stage of Disney and Pixar

Pixar has decided to bet on the most popular franchises for its next projects, and although this seems like a safe move, the third part of Finding Nemo really worries me. The news came in early June 2024 when Pixar revealed its plans in an interview with Bloomberg. The decision to focus on existing IPs was due to the disappointing results of films like Red and Luca. With the acquisition of Nemo and The Incredibles already having successful sequels, Pixar has hinted that we might see new installments of these sagas. But is it really necessary?

A vision of success and failure

It cannot be denied that both Finding Nemo and Finding Dory were huge financial successes. The first film was Released in 2003, it was a blockbuster that grossed $941 million and scored an impressive 99% on Rotten Tomatoes. Marlin’s quest to find his son was an emotional rollercoaster that captured the imagination of the audience. While Finding Dory was well-received at 94% Rotten Tomatoes and topped $1 billion at the box office, it failed to capture the same magic. Many fans felt that Journey of Dory was repetitive and that Pixar waited too long to release this sequel.

With Nemo 3, Pixar is under a lot of pressure not to repeat the mistakes of the past. The company cannot afford another disappointment at the box office, especially after the lukewarm results of its recent productions. The threat of Finding Nemo 3 not living up to its predecessors is real, and this could have negative consequences for Pixar’s reputation.

Do we really need another Nemo movie?

One of the biggest questions Pixar has to ask itself is whether we need another Finding Nemo installment. Nemo and Marlin’s story has come to a satisfying conclusion, and we’ve already seen Dory star on her own adventure. The secondary characters, though likable, fail to attract a large audience in a new film. Additionally, Pixar’s creativity can be better used on new stories rather than releasing a franchise that has already told its core story.

Finding Nemo 3 , Box Office Success , Animated Franchises , Pixar Series , Movie Reboots

The idea of ​​a Nemo reboot seems less promising than a sequel. The challenge of replacing the beloved soundtrack and unique atmosphere of the original is huge. Plus, many fans would rather see the original movie than a remake that will inevitably be compared and probably not as good. Nostalgia plays an important role, and reboots of relatively recent films often receive a cold reception.

The future of Pixar

With Nemo 3 on the horizon, Pixar has to be very careful how it handles this beloved franchise. As the company seeks to balance financial success with creative innovation, fans are watching closely, Pixar maintains the quality that defines its heritage. What matters is finding new stories that delight us the way Finding Nemo did two decades ago.

Finding Nemo 3 , Box Office Success , Animated Franchises , Pixar Series , Movie Reboots

Pixar has the tough task of reviving a franchise that has already reached incredible heights. While the financial potential of the new division is evident, the risk of not meeting fan demand is high. The magic of Finding Nemo is in the right timing of the launch and release. Recreating that magic will be a huge challenge, and only time will tell if Pixar can measure up.