Dragon Ball DAIMA: the Majin family tree and its new surprises

Dragon Ball DAIMA

Discover how Dragon Ball DAIMA expanded Majin Buu’s legacy with new characters and mysteries

Dragon Ball Daima, Majin Buu, Majin Duu, Majin Kuu, Marba

Since his first appearance as the definitive villain of Dragon Ball Z, Maman Buu she has become one of the franchise’s most iconic and strangest figures. Not only has he gone from being a universal threat to an unlikely hero within the Z-Warriors team, but also his the story has evolved enormously. Now, with ALWAYShis family tree has taken an unexpected turn, incorporating new characters that expand his legacy beyond what was imagined.

The truth about Bibidi, Babidi and Marba

When Bibidi was introduced Dragon Ball Zhe was introduced as the creator of Majin Buu, a being he used to conquer the universe. However, ALWAYS rewrote this story, revealing that Bibidi he only took credit for Buu’s creation. The true creator is Sometimesa powerful sorceress from the First Demon World, now working with the ambitious Dr. Arinsu. This change not only adds a new villain to the canon, but also makes it clear The story of the Majin is far from over.

The debate about Bibidi and Babidi’s relationship is still alive among fans. While some see them as father and son, others consider Babidi simply a clone. Dragon Ball DAIMA He didn’t clarify this detail, but reaffirmed that they both share the same evil and obsession with control.

Buu’s multiple forms and descendants

Maman Buu He is known for his ability to evolve, absorb his enemies, and transform into new versions of himself. From its purest form as Kid Buupassing by Fat Boo, Super Buu and finally Oopseach iteration of the character was a reflection of his experiences and conflicts.

In ALWAYSBuu’s legacy expands with the arrival of Majin Ku Yes Request twotwo beings created from their essence by Dr. Arinsu. Kuu, while initially promising, turns out to be weak and cowardly, while his “brother” Duu turns out to be much more powerful, if equally peculiar. Both characters bring a new dynamic, showing how Buu’s legacy continues to influence the narrative.

Dragon Ball Daima, Majin Buu, Majin Duu, Majin Kuu, MarbaDragon Ball Daima, Majin Buu, Majin Duu, Majin Kuu, Marba

a strange family

Buu’s family is anything but traditional. From his relationship with Mr. Satan, who helped him redeem himself, to his bond with Gohan, Videl and Pan, Buu’s family tree it branches out in unexpected ways. His bond with Uub, the human who embodies his reincarnated form, also gave rise to stories like that of Majuub in Dragonball GT.

In the expanded universe, video games Dragonball online Yes Dragon Ball FighterZ They have added even more members to this peculiar family. In the first, Miss Bu appears as an asexual creation of Fat Buu, while in the second, Android 21 combines Buu cells with advanced technology, bringing a completely new version of the Majin concept.

The impact of ALWAYS in the Majin universe

With the inclusion of new characters such as Sometimes, Majin Ku Yes Request two, ALWAYS he’s redefining what it means to be a Majin. The implication that Buu has an original creator and new “children” raises interesting questions the future of franchising. Will Marba finally be recognized as Buu’s true creator? What role will Kuu and Duu play in the conflict between the Z Fighters and Dr. Arinsu?

Dragon Ball Daima, Majin Buu, Majin Duu, Majin Kuu, MarbaDragon Ball Daima, Majin Buu, Majin Duu, Majin Kuu, Marba

As fans eagerly await the next episodes, one thing is clear: Majin Buu’s legacy continues to growand with it, the richness of the Dragon Ball universe.

From his first appearances as an unstoppable villain, to his evolution as a hero and symbol of redemption, Maman Buu continues to be one of the most fascinating and strange characters in Dragon Ball. Now, with the arrival of ALWAYStheir story expands further, proving that the world of the Majin is still full of surprises.