Doctor Who’s story of the Cybermen is getting an audio adaptation


Rejected Doctor Who script that revealed the Cybermen’s definitive origin becomes thrilling talkie drama starring Peter Davison

Doctor Who Grand Finale, Doctor Who Cybermen, Origen de los Cybermen, Peter Davison Fifth Doctor

Los Cybermenthose emblematic villains of Doctor who who have been wreaking havoc for decades are about to receive an update that could change their legacy forever. While they have always been popular, reaching similar levels of success as the Daleks, they have never been a hit definitive origin storysomething that its metallic rival has. But now, Big Finish is here to fill that gap with a new audio drama that promises to reveal how the Cybermen came to be.

the genesis of the cybermen

In this next drama titled Doctor Who: Genesis of the Cybermen, Peter Davison reprises his role as the Fifth Doctor, witnessing the first steps of one of the most terrifying races in the universe. The plot begins with a dying king on a planet on the brink of collapse. His eldest son, Prince Silvanusfinds himself torn between his artistic aspirations and the responsibilities of a kingdom in crisis, while his brother, the Prince Degahe works tirelessly in a laboratory trying to save his people from extinction.

Everything seems destined for disaster until… TARDIS arrives on Mondas, the homeworld of the Cybermen. The Doctor and his team believe they can help, but soon discover they are at the epicenter of the birth of a threat that will haunt the universe for millennia.

Why is this origin so important?

Unlike the Daleks, who have a solid origin thanks to the classic episode Genesis of the Daleksthe Cybermen have always lacked a canonical founding story. Its creator, Jerry Davistogether with the scientific consultant of the series, Street vendor kitconceived the Cybermen in the 1960s, introducing them into The tenth planetthe final episode of the First Doctor. Since then, they’ve had stellar moments like Tomb of the Cybermen or The invasionbut its genesis was relegated to oblivion when the proposed script in the 1980s was rejected.

Doctor Who Grand Finale, Doctor Who Cybermen, Origen de los Cybermen, Peter Davison Fifth DoctorDoctor Who Grand Finale, Doctor Who Cybermen, Origen de los Cybermen, Peter Davison Fifth Doctor

Now, this forgotten story comes to life under the pen of David K. Barnes in an adaptation that is part of the collection The lost stories from Big Finish. This line of productions recovers unrealized stories, providing them with the same level of detail and dramatization as television episodes.

the essence of the original Cybermen

Longtime fans will remember the Cybermen of Mondas with their distinctive designs, a result of the BBC’s tight budgets in the 1960s, with their faces covered by white socks and pieces that looked like radiators on their chests, these original villains return in modern episodes such as. World enough and time Yes The Doctor falls. Although his appearance has evolved, his roots remain intact, including his distinctive tone of voice, which some describe as a cross between high-born British waiters and uptight robots.

One of the mysteries that could be solved Genesis of the Cybermen it is precisely the origin of this characteristic voicewhich to this day remains both hilarious and disturbing.

a legacy worthy of an iconic enemy

Although the Cybermen They have always lived in the shadow of the Daleks in terms of popularity, they have achieved heights that their rivals have never reached. From being responsible for the death of companion Adric in the 1980s to ending the life of the Twelfth Doctor (Peter Capaldi), these villains have proven to be a formidable threat.

With this audio drama, Big Finish not only fills a gap in tradition Doctor whobut it gives the Cybermen the importance they have always deserved. This is a unique opportunity for fans to explore the more human (and terrifying) side of these mechanical hybrids, discovering how a desperate people made drastic decisions that condemned them to eternity as soulless monsters.

Doctor Who Grand Finale, Doctor Who Cybermen, Origen de los Cybermen, Peter Davison Fifth DoctorDoctor Who Grand Finale, Doctor Who Cybermen, Origen de los Cybermen, Peter Davison Fifth Doctor

Doctor Who: Genesis of the Cybermen will soon arrive for fans of all generations, combining the nostalgia of fans of the classics with the enthusiasm of those who discovered the series in the modern era. Get ready to learn about the the true story of the Cybermen and how a tragedy gave rise to one of the greatest horrors in the universe.