Discover the sequel to Back to the Future in animated format that expanded the universe of Doc and Marty

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Even if Back to the Future 4 will probably never see the light of day, there is an official sequel that has taken up the baton of the iconic universe created by Robert Zemeckis and Bob Gale

Christopher Lloyd, continuation of the trilogy, Doc Brown, Back to the Future, Animated Series

This project has been realized Christopher Lloyd and his Doc Brown are the absolute protagonists. Although Zemeckis has made it clear that he will not allow a new film in the saga, fans can take comfort in the matter animated series from the 90swhich explored the adventures of Doc and his bizarre family.

The new time travelers

The original trilogy ended on a high note Back to the Future IIIleaving Marty McFly behind in his timeline and Doc traveling in his locomotive of time with his wife Clara and their children, Jules and Verne. But the journey didn’t end here. At the beginning of the 90s, an animated series took up this story, introducing us to the Brown family settled on a farm in Hill Valley and struggling with new time travel.

Here animated series broadcast between 1991 and 1992the Browns are back in business again thanks toa DeLorean rebuilt and more reliable. Although Marty McFly and Jennifer make occasional appearances (played by new actors), the story primarily focuses on the adventures of Doc, Clara, and their children. From the Ancient Egypt From prehistory to the American Civil War, the series took its characters to explore fascinating moments in history.

The animation maintained an adventurous and educational spirit, but what really elevated the experience were the live action sequences starring Christopher Lloyd. In each episode, Lloyd reprized his role as Doc Brown in segments that opened and closed the plot. While these moments didn’t include Marty McFly, Doc wasn’t alone: Bill Nye, “The Science Guy”debuted as his laboratory assistant, which marked the beginning of his television career.

Christopher Lloyd, continuation of the trilogy, Doc Brown, Back to the Future, Animated SeriesChristopher Lloyd, continuation of the trilogy, Doc Brown, Back to the Future, Animated Series

A debate between parallel universes

The inevitable question: is it the animated series canon within the universe of back to the future? According to Bob Gale, co-creator of the saga, the answer is a resounding no. In an interview, Gale made this clear just the movies They are part of the official canon. Everything else is taken into account, from video games to novels to theme park attractions alternative timings. This approach is similar to those What if…? from Marvel, who imagine alternative outcomes for their main stories.

However, Gale left a small door open: these stories could become canon at some point. parallel universe. The animated series, then, does not contradict the events of the films, but it does not belong to their direct continuity either. Ultimately, it’s up to fans to decide how much weight to give to this beloved extension of the franchise.

Animation as the “fourth film” that never arrived

While the idea of ​​a new movie is still tempting, it will probably never happen. Robert Zemeckis has been clear: he will not allow any studio to make a sequel without him, and his refusal is more than understandable. In an era of sequels and reboots that often result in disappointments dictated by nostalgiaa fourth episode of back to the future it could ruin the legacy of the original trilogy.

The animated series, with its 26 episodes, becomes like this the closest equivalent to a fourth film. While it’s not the same as seeing Lloyd and Michael J. Fox together on screen again, it offers a glimpse into what could have been. Furthermore, it maintains the spirit of innovation and adventure that made the trilogy a timeless classic.

Christopher Lloyd, continuation of the trilogy, Doc Brown, Back to the Future, Animated SeriesChristopher Lloyd, continuation of the trilogy, Doc Brown, Back to the Future, Animated Series

With the original trilogy untouchable and a fandom that continues to grow, the animated series back to the future It’s like a hidden gem. Regardless of its canonical status or not, this production has managed to capture the heart of the franchise, breathing new life into its most beloved characters. And even if we never see Doc and Marty in a new cinematic adventure, we can always return to Hill Valley thanks to this nostalgic and fun animated sequel.