The X-Men universe has experienced a real rebirth in recent years. From the relaunch of the comics with Jonathan Hickman until the arrival of X-Men ’97, Marvel Mutants has again occupied a privileged place in popular culture

The true meaning of the name X-Men and its cosmic adventures
Many people believe it X-Men I owe their name to Charles Xavierits founder and mentor. However, this is not entirely true. The “X” in its name refers Gen X.The mutation that gives superhuman skills to certain individuals. Xavier simply adopted the deadline to identify his mutants team, but the name is not directly connected to him.
Although most of the X-Men stories focus on the struggle for mutant rights on earth, the team has passed A long time in space. From his battles with the alien breed Shi’ar Also clashes with the fearsome BroodThe mutants played a key role in Marvel’s cosmic expansion, long before Avengers They did the same at the cinema.
The relationship with Captain America and a constant rotation team
Another incorrect belief is that the X-Men and the Captain America They were constantly disagreed. While they had their differences, Steve Rogers has always been an ally of mutants. In fact, he defended his rights on several occasions, remembering how in his youth he witnessed injustice as Japanese internment fields in the United States.
Although most fans associate X-Men with characters like Wolverine, Storm or Jean GrayThe team has constantly changed over the years. Since its creation in the 1960s, they crossed their ranks dozen mutants, some with short stays and others who have defined comics eras.
Magneto and “Permanent students”
For a long time, Magneto He was seen as the main X-Men antagonist. However, in recent decades, his role has evolved, passing from a radical bad to a Leader and protector of mutants. His fight against oppression led him to face the X-Men, but also to allies with them on several occasions.

Yes ok Xavier He founded his school to teach young mutants to control their powers, the X-Men as a team They stopped being students a long time ago. In the first comic numbers, the original members were teenagers under the protection of Xavier, but they quickly became expert heroes. Since then, the school has continued to work, but most X-Men has become teachers or mentors.
The rest of the Marvel heroes
The cinematographic adaptations have given the impression that the mutants operate in their world, separated from the rest of the Marvel heroes. However, in comics, mutants interacted Spider-Man, The Avengers, The Fantastic Four and other heroes On numerous occasions. Storm was married to Black pantherWolverine has a long story with Nick Fury and Captain Americaand several mutants have been part of teams like The defenders or guardians of the galaxy.
There is no doubt that Lobezno is one of the most popular members of the group, but many adaptations have exaggerated their importance to the point of making this believe The X-Men revolves around him. In comics, Logan is an important character, but the team has had many memorable stories without their participation.
The bad image of Cicope and an absolute leader
The films of Mutants They did a lean favor to Cyclopspresenting him as a weak and jealous leader of Wolverine. However, in the comics, Scott Summers is one of the most strategic and respected leaders of the Marvel universe. He made extremely difficult decisions to protect his people and has shown that he is a brilliant fighter and strategist.
Many fans believe it Xavier has always been in command of the mutantsBut the reality is that his role was more than that of a mentor of that of the direct leader. Since the 70s, the leadership has fallen to characters like Cycle, storm and wolverine. In recent times, their arrogance and their doubtful decisions have led some mutants to question it and even to face it.

Los X-Men A reflection of the struggle for rights and diversity in society have been from its creation. While his inheritance continues to grow, it is important to know the truth behind some of the most persistent myths about these mutant heroes.