Home Series Discover Easter eggs from your friendly Spider-Man district in episodes 3, 4 and 5

Discover Easter eggs from your friendly Spider-Man district in episodes 3, 4 and 5

Discover Easter eggs from your friendly Spider-Man district in episodes 3, 4 and 5

We examine the different Easter eggs with references to the Marvel universe, wins the comics and details that the most attentive fans of your friendly Spider-Man district will be able to appreciate

Easter Eggs Spider-Man, Spider-Man and the Comics, Marvel Universe References, your friendly Spider-Man district

Episodes 3, 4 and 5 Your friendly Spider-Man district I am here and, as expected, they are full of Easter eggs and references This enriches the story and connects to our Trepamuros with the large Marvel universe. From the mentions of key events to details taken directly from the comics, there is a lot to discover in these new chapters.

Easter Eggs Spider-Man, Spider-Man and the Comics, Marvel Universe References, your friendly Spider-Man districtEaster Eggs Spider-Man, Spider-Man and the Comics, Marvel Universe References, your friendly Spider-Man district

The best Easter eggs

If you have not seen the recent episodes, prepare to discover some of the most interesting details that you may have neglected:

  • Civil war and the division of heroes: Nico Minoru mentions Iron Man and Captain America In a conversation with Peter Parker, reflecting on the difficult decision to choose one side in the conflict of Civil war.
  • The wake of Sokovia agreements: Norman Osborn tells Peter not to worry Sokovia agreementsensuring that he will take care of the situation. A direct reference to the controversial treatise that marked a before and after in the community of heroes.
  • El Traje of the Future Foundation: Peter has a preview of a new seed that recalls a lot that he uses in the comics after joining the Future FoundationThe group created by Reed Richards.
  • The origin of Lapida: Lonnie Lincoln receives the nickname Lapid After saving Big Donovan’s life during a struggle between the 110 and Scorpions band, paying homage to his alter ego in the comics.
  • “Don’t tell Aunt May”: Peter asks Norman not to say to his aunt of his double life as Spider-Man, in a scene that recalls his conversation with Tony Stark Captain America: Civil War.
Easter Eggs Spider-Man, Spider-Man and the Comics, Marvel Universe References, your friendly Spider-Man districtEaster Eggs Spider-Man, Spider-Man and the Comics, Marvel Universe References, your friendly Spider-Man district

More connections with the Marvel universe

  • A wink with uncle Ben: In a scene, Peter uses a camera that belonged to his uncle Ben, a clear tribute to his inheritance.
  • Osborn Y Wakanda: In Norman Osborn’s office you can see one of his photography next to the king T’lyBlack Panther’s father, who suggests a connection between Oscorp and Wakanda.
  • Scorpio and shield: The gang of Scorpioni He is led by Mac Gargan, the most famous scorpion of comics, and Carmilla Black, who used the same or when he worked for Shield.
  • The mafia of the suit: Roxanna Volkov mentions the notorious Mafia of the suitthe criminal organization we saw Hawk eye.
  • The “uncle of the chair”: After discovering Peter’s identity, Harry Osborn offers him to be his “Uncle chair“, With reference to Ned Leeds in the MCU.
  • Marvel and K-Pop: In an unexpected wink, there is an image of Harry Osborn with Luna SnowThe Marvel superhero inspired by the K-pop.

Other curious details include the appearance of DroneSpider-Man drone Spider-Man: Homecomingand a scene in which Peter shows several seeds inspired by Thor Y Wasp.

An eternal legacy

The character of Spider-man He was one of the most iconic superheroes of the Marvel universe from his debut in 1962 The series Your friendly Spider-Man district Try to capture this spirit with new stories and references to the vast legacy of the character.

Easter Eggs Spider-Man, Spider-Man and the Comics, Marvel Universe References, your friendly Spider-Man districtEaster Eggs Spider-Man, Spider-Man and the Comics, Marvel Universe References, your friendly Spider-Man district

One of the keys to the success of Spider-man It is your ability to connect with the public. Unlike other more distant heroes, Peter Parker is a character of daily problems, complicated relationships and moral dilemmas that make him close to the spectators. In this series, his role of road and a protective hero of his community is strengthened, a feature that distinguishes him from the other characters most focused on cosmic or global conflicts.

With each episode, Your friendly Spider-Man district It continues to prove to be full of references for Marvel fans, becoming a party of details that make each chapter even more fun to see.
