Deleted Daredevil Video Game Ultimate Promo Video Published

    Daredevil de Frank Miller

    Daredevil could have had his own video game in 2004, adapting Frank Miller’s The Man Without Fear.

    The deleted 2004 Daredevil video game has been shared by a community dedicated to preserving all things related to the world of video games.

    Daredevil and the canceled video game

    Hidden Palace, a community of video game watchers, released a video of the game nearing completion. In it, you can see aspects of the story and gameplay, where the main character is seen using martial arts to face several street enemies, in addition to using the fearless man’s radar sense.

    He played the game at 5,000 Ft. Studios was developed by the Lost Company. Daredevil: The Man Without Fear was originally called Daredevil: The Video Game, and was described as an action-adventure title planned for release in 2004. Unfortunately, the project faced many problems during its development, not to mention lawsuits. It’s part of Sony, so Marvel decided to cancel it. This way, a practically finished game is never released.

    Some may be wondering how Hidden Castle got this video, and the answer is that a former developer of the game (who remains unnamed) worked with the company to download the files from the disc if he had a version of the finished project. Bugs and performance issues were fixed to keep the product playable, allowing Hidden Castle to record some gameplay to upload to YouTube.