DC Universe movies on Disney+? get ready! The seemingly impossible becomes a reality.


    Three movies from the DC universe are coming to Disney+

    Disney+ isn’t content with acquiring Marvel movies; Because it will soon have projects from the DC Universe in its catalog.

    DC heroes are coming to Disney+

    For some time now, it has been announced that Disney+ will be an all-in-one platform, which will allow you to receive many movies, including those that we thought were impossible to watch there. The original Wonder Woman and the two Shazam movies will be part of Disney+. These were the productions of the DC movies, after the studio was gone. Superhero Projects has a license agreement with All.

    We must clarify that the news only refers to the service in the United States, we must wait for information about other states. However, what we expect is some backlash among superhero fans, as it would be very strange to see Marvel characters coexisting with DC characters.