Channing Tatum could return as Gambit in the next Avengers films

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A Gambit rumor that delights MCU and X-Men fans could set the franchise up for the next big thing

Los rumors about future films The Avengers They don’t stop coming and the last one promises to be explosive. According to various sources, l The Multiverse saga is setting the stage for an even bigger eventwith possible refund of Channing Tatum as Gambit. Yes, the famous mutant thief could have his long-awaited appearance in Marvel’s most ambitious films yet.

What do we know about Avengers: Doomsday and Secret Wars?

The films Avengers: Judgment Day Yes Secret Warsscheduled for 2026 and 2027they promise to close the Multiverse saga with a big bang. But, according to Alex Perez of The Cosmic Circus, this won’t be the end of the road. Rumors suggest that, after Secret Wars, Marvel is preparing the ground Annihilationan epic story that will completely change the course of the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU).

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The event Annihilationoriginally from the 2006 comics, Bring together space heroes and villains AS Nova, Silver Surfer, Ronan the Accuser, and Annihilusthe main villain. Everything indicates that the The MCU wants to bring this intergalactic conflict to the big screenand that the countdown will begin immediately following the outcome of the Secret Wars.

Gambit and the X-Men

Among the most surprising innovations, Perez assures that the studio plans to bring characters from classic Marvel films back to life. This would include both animated formats and live actors. According to this information, Patrick Stewart as Charles Xavier and Kelsey Grammar as the Beast are pretty much a given. But what is most talked about is the possible debut of Channing Tatum as Gambita role he would play in the mutant’s canceled solo project.

If his appearance is confirmed, It would be during the events of Avengers: Judgment Day or Secret Wars. Furthermore, this trio of characters could be part of the future reboot of the X-Men, serve as mentors to new generations of mutants.

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The Shi’ar Empire’s role and long-term plans

Another juicy detail of the rumors is the Marvel’s intention to introduce the Shi’ar Empireone of the most important factions in the X-Men comics. His inclusion could make the perfect connection between the mutants and the story arc Annihilationopening a door to more complex and enriching cosmic stories.

Furthermore, the age of the new actors for the X-Men (between 20 and 30 years old) It seems to indicate that Marvel is trying to build a long-term franchise, combining fan nostalgia with fresh faces to win over a younger audience.

The return of the Russo brothers and Robert Downey Jr.

As if that wasn’t enough, the hype increases with the return of the Russo brothers to the helm of the upcoming Avengers films. These MCU veterans, responsible for successes such as Avengers: Endgamethey promise to bring the narrative “surprising places” along with Kevin Feige and the Marvel team.

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Another return that leaves no one indifferent is that of Robert Downey Jr. This time, the actor will not return as Tony Starkbut as an alternate version of the character in the role of Doctor Doom. This adds a whole new level of complexity and emotion to the story.

What does this mean for the future of the MCU?

With all these rumors, it seems so Marvel has no plans to slow down after the Multiverse saga. Instead, is preparing for a new era full of epic cosmic battlesthe return of beloved characters and the inclusion of X-Men in a way that connects with both longtime fans and new generations.

Would you like to see Gambit and the X-Men alongside the Avengers in the MCU? Leave us your comments and get ready for Marvel’s most ambitious phase!