Captain America: Brave New World reveals an unexpected relationship with the Guardians of the Galaxy

Brave New World

A recent photo from Captain America: Brave New World shows the creatures hanging by their tails, raising endless questions about their origins and purpose in the film.

In Captain America: Brave New World, formerly known as New World Order, the footage shared by the Atlanta cast highlights aliens hanging from their tails. Although some have suggested they may be from the Shang-Chi Soul Eaters and Legend of the Ten Rings, they look like the Orloni, small, mouse-like creatures we saw in the Guardians of the Galaxy movies.

Orloni’s return or a new threat?

Known as a favorite treat in some corners of the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU), Orloni seems to have found his way into this new installment of Captain America. The reason for their presence in this film is a mystery, although some speculate that they may be gamma mutants created by Dr. Samuel Stearns, also known as Leader.

Anthony Mackie, Captain America: Brave New World, Marvel Cinematic Universe, Samuel Stearns

The first official images of the film were released a few weeks ago, featuring Anthony Mackie as Sam Wilson, complete with Steve Rogers’ famous vivananium shield. The new Sentinel of Liberty meets Ross, who works to reform the Avengers.

In footage shown at CinemaCon last month, Ross Wilson was welcomed to the White House to honor his heroic past. However, chaos soon ensues when the music awakens the sleeping assassins, including Isaiah Bradley, played by Carl Lambley, who try to kill the president.

Cap’s new direction

“It made more sense for it to be a more Earth-based spy action movie, rather than aliens and planes going through portals and such,” Mackie told EW. “When I’ve gone and seen them all, the opportunity for Sam to establish himself as a true action star and The Avengers comes with this movie.”

“This film is a clear reboot,” he added. “It reboots the idea of ​​what this universe is and where it’s going. “I think you’re rebranding with a clear sense of where Marvel is going, just like they did with Captain America: The Winter Soldier with these movies.”

Anthony Mackie, Captain America: Brave New World, Marvel Cinematic Universe, Samuel Stearns

More clever new world stories

Joining Mackin and Ford will be Danny Ramirez as the new Falcon, Shira Haas as the Israeli heroine Sabra, Liv Tyler reprising her role as Betty Ross, and Tim Blake Nelson as the lead.

Although certain plot details are being kept under wraps, rumors suggest that Samuel Stearns will be revealed as the “mysterious benefactor” behind the Serpent Society. It’s unclear what this will entail, but it’s thought to support the team financially and possibly provide advanced technology.

Captain America: Brave New World is scheduled for release on February 14, 2025. What surprises await us in this new episode? Only time will tell, but one thing is certain: the MCU will continue to evolve and keep fans on the edge of their seats.

Relationship with the Guardians of the Galaxy

The appearance of these animals has opened a debate about how they fit into the story. They may simply be a visual coincidence, but given the attention to detail in the MCU, many believe their inclusion has a deeper purpose.

Anthony Mackie, Captain America: Brave New World, Marvel Cinematic Universe, Samuel Stearns

Captain America: Brave New World promises not only action and espionage, but also a chance to further connect the various franchises in the MCU. So prepare and expect the unexpected in this next adventure of freedom.