Home Cinema Borderlands Movie Debuts with Surprising 0% on Rotten Tomatoes

Borderlands Movie Debuts with Surprising 0% on Rotten Tomatoes

Borderlands Movie Debuts with Surprising 0% on Rotten Tomatoes

The long-awaited film adaptation of Borderlands got off to a less than encouraging start on Rotten Tomatoes, leaving fans and critics alike with a sour taste in their mouths.

The first reviews of the film Borderlands They started appearing this Thursday and the results were not at all favorable. With over 20 reviews collected, the film has achieved a surprising 0% approval rating on Rotten Tomatoes. This almost unanimous negative consensus suggests that the adaptation of the popular video game has failed to win over fans and critics alike. While the film manages to slightly improve its score, the initial reception suggests that this adaptation may reinforce the idea of ​​the “curse” of video game films, a perception that several recent successes have attempted to dispel in recent years.

A devastating result

While there were initially over 20 reviews, as of this writing that number has been reduced to around 14. The result, however, remains the same: 0% approval rating, meaning that virtually no critics found anything positive to say about the film.

The reviews that have emerged are relentless in their criticism. Although the film Borderlands features references to games that should be recognizable to hardcore gamers, some of the harsher reviews state that even those who enjoyed the games will find nothing to like in the adaptation. While the franchise’s humor Borderlands While it may be divisive, with some finding it funny and others considering it to be full of absurd dialogue and swear words, the film seems to have run out of humor and fun, as these reviews indicate.

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A hard blow for the franchise

Even before these reviews came out, you could already feel the skepticism among fans of Borderlands. The film’s long development process, which lasted several years, did not generate much confidence in the final result. Additionally, some casting decisions, such as the choice of Kevin Hart to play Roland, were poorly received. Another point of contention was the disparity between the age of the characters in the film and what fans expected from the video games, which generated even more doubts in the community, despite the participation of big names such as Cate Blanchett, Jamie Lee Curtis and Jack Nero.

This accumulation of negative factors and the recent flurry of reviews have only increased distrust towards the film. Many fans are now wondering if the film will be worth watching when it comes out.

The Weight of the Video Game Adaptation Curse

The film premiere Borderlands is scheduled for release on August 9, and it remains to be seen whether viewers will agree with the critics or whether the general public will find something to enjoy in this adaptation. However, the poor debut on Rotten Tomatoes does not bode well, and could be a blow to future video game adaptations that attempt to break the curse that has historically surrounded these types of productions.

Meanwhile, other video game adaptation projects are on the way and coming soon. Borderlands could influence perceptions and expectations for these future releases. The film industry and video game fans will be watching closely to see if this adaptation can redeem itself at the box office or if it will be yet another example of a missed opportunity.

It will be up to the audience to decide whether this film really deserves that 0% or whether Rotten Tomatoes simply rushed the verdict. What is clear is that, at least for now, the film Borderlands He started his journey in the worst possible way.
