Bob Iger and the story of the future between artificial intelligence and the vision of the company at Disney

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Bob Iger believes that Disney can break new ground through artificial intelligence.

In a panorama where artificial intelligence (AI) technology is not only rapidly developing, but also fully integrated into the gear of Hollywood, a famous figure has emerged who is committed to the harmony between AI and cinematographic narrative: Bob Iger, the CEO of Disney. In line with Walt Disney, Iger invites story creators to “embrace the change” and see AI not as an enemy, but as a powerful partner in creating more impactful and accessible stories.

In an interview with Variety, Iger shared ideas that align with Disney’s philosophy of enriching storytelling. “Walt Disney was a great believer in using technology to tell better stories … and he thought technology in the hands of a great storyteller was incredibly powerful,” Iger explains. This approach not only highlights continuity in Disney’s creative thinking, but also sets the stage for integrating future AI into the creative process.

Challenges and opportunities of AI in history

Situations aside, Iger is aware of the concerns surrounding AI, particularly the idea that it could replace storytellers. However, the focus is on AI’s potential to improve the quality of stories and expand their reach. “Don’t focus on their ability to disrupt – focus on their ability [de la tecnología] To make ourselves better and tell better stories,” he suggested. While that sounds like nice talk, especially coming from someone whose revenue was $31.6 million last year, underneath it’s an invitation to rethink how technology can serve as a tailwind for creativity and content production.

Iger is clear about this: technology is moving forward and it is impossible to stand in its way. “You can never stand in its way. No human can stop the progress of technology,” he said.

Disney Bob IgerDisney Bob Iger

Creativity as a Disney heritage

While the integration of AI into the film industry will bring significant change, Iger’s philosophy emphasizes the importance of these developments to the continuation of the company’s legacy of innovation and exploration. This perspective not only calls for adaptation, but also stresses that at the heart of the Council of Ideas there is always a drive to push the limits of what is possible with technology.

So, as the world continues to turn and AI takes hold in the entertainment industry, the real question is how storytellers and technicians can collaborate to tell stories that are truly revolutionary and, above all, human.

Star Cruiser - Star Wars - Bob Iger - Disney

Bob Iger was a visionary at Disney, overseeing an era of unprecedented expansion and making historic breakthroughs. Under his leadership, Disney acquired Pixar, Marvel, Lucasfilm and 21st Century Fox, dramatically enriching its content catalog and expanding its influence in the global entertainment industry. These acquisitions not only changed Disney’s structure, but also strengthened its dominance of many media genres, from superhero movies to science fiction series, maintaining its position as a leading media force.