Blade travels to Paris to hunt vampires in the new Bethesda and Arcane video game


Arkan, the creator of video games such as Deathloop, Prey or Dishonored, is working on a new video game based on Marvel’s most famous vampire hunter Blade.

To celebrate half a century of bloodsuckers, Bethesda Softworks and Arkane Lyon have decided to bring a comic book icon to life: Blade, the vampire slayer. In a surprise move during the Game Awards, they unveiled a video game that promises to immerse us in a Paris besieged by vampires.

The news is not only a big chapter in Blade’s history, but also in video games. Arcane Lyon, the studio behind the game, takes us to an isolated part of Paris where supernatural danger and vampires abound. The promise of an original narrative and gameplay has made fans eager to take up the mantle of the legendary vampire hunter.

Union of Creative Visions

Bill Rosemann, VP and Creative Director of Marvel Games, was full of admiration for Arkane Lyon, highlighting his creative vision and ability to push the boundaries of game design. Meanwhile, Arcane Lion game director Dinga Bacaba shared his personal connection with his dual hero Blade. Art director Sébastien Mitten also expressed his excitement, highlighting the opportunity to push Arcane’s artistic style into bold new territories.

Blade’s image is always interesting, a mix of human and vampire, separated by two worlds. This game promises to explore that duality like never before. The painting of Paris, Bacaba’s hometown, adds a personal and emotional layer to the battlefield.

A revolution in superhero video games.

This new title is not only a tribute, but a revolution in the superhero video game genre. The combination of an original story, a fresh approach to gameplay, and the impeccable art of Arcane Lion ensure that this game will not be just another title in the long line of comic book adaptations.

While waiting for more details and the long-awaited trailer, this announcement has created a lot of expectations. The collaboration between Bethesda Softworks and Arcane Lion, backed by Marvel Games, promises to take Blade to new heights in the world of video games, offering players an immersive and exciting experience in the heart of an otherworldly Paris.


The most famous Marvel arcs that can be brought to the game

Blade, Marvel’s most iconic vampire slayer, stars in several epic stories from Bethesda Softworks and Arcane Lion that could be perfectly adapted into the new video game. Among the most notable story arcs is “Tomb of Dracula”, where Blade confronts Dracula himself, a great battle that can provide a heavy narrative and formidable opponent in the game.

Another important arc is “Nightstalkers”, where Blade teams up with other supernatural hunters. This combination can be translated into co-op mode or group missions in the game, which provides different and interesting gameplay dynamics.


The “Blade: Vampire Hunter” arc presents the character on a more personal quest, focusing on his origins and his inner struggle with his own vampire nature. Adapting this arc allows you to explore the character’s depth and inner struggle, adding complexity to the gameplay experience.

Finally, “Blade Vs. Avengers” will feature a vampire slayer facing off against some of Marvel’s most powerful heroes. Including elements of this arc can lead to interesting crossovers in the game, offering dramatic scenes and unexpected collaborations.

These arcs represent just a few of the many narrative possibilities for the Blade video game, promising a rich and varied experience that captures the essence of the legendary vampire slayer.