DC Comics has made a mess of the last few issues of Batman and the legacy numbering on the covers has a small error
In recent years we have seen how DC Comics has revived the classic numbering in many of its most iconic series. Last year, both The Flash AS Wonder Woman they have reached their number #800 before restarting the numbering with a new volume and a new #1. Batman also followed this trend, turning issue #135 into issue #900, before returning to issue #136.. This strategy of Legacy numbering is nothing new, as Marvel Comics did it first by introducing legacy counting on covers. of his comics. An example is The Amazing Spider-Man #26, which included the callsign LGY #926 under the main number.
However, it seems that DC Comics has decided to go this route with Batmanalso incorporating the word legacy on the covers, starting from the number #135, just above the symbolic #900. It was a curious choice, considering that DC has always been reluctant implement some elements that might seem like “copies” from Marvel, such as the summary pages. But, despite this initial resistance, the Legacy numbering continued Batman #136, though not for long.
The Return of Hereditary Numbering in Batman
The last comic to use legacy numbering was Batman #140. From that point on, mention of legacy disappeared. completely from the covers of the series. However, with the upcoming release of issue 152 and in the context of the new era of DC All In, Legacy Numbering Seems to Be Back…but not without problems.
A glance at the cover of this issue reveals a fact that has aroused suspicion. Batman The #152 appears with the legacy number #919, which would indicate that it is only 81 numbers away from the historic #1000. But this is where doubts arise. AND Batman The number #140 was the inherited number #905, and adding the 13 corresponding numbers since then, we should be at number #918. against Batman #152, not in #919.
This leads us to ask: There was an additional comic What filled that gap without us realizing it? We should count some special numbersPleases Absolute Power: Ground Zeroas part of the official numbering of Batman? Or it’s just a typo What can DC fix before the comic goes to press this week?

A simple mistake or something more?
The debate is open. It may seem like the difference of a single number insignificant, but in an emblematic series like BatmanThese details are important for collectors and enthusiasts. Could this mistake have been overlooked in planning the new era? DC All In? Fans are watching, and DC undoubtedly has little time to correct course if this is simply a numbers error.
The interesting thing is that this kind of Numbering errors are not without precedent in the comic book industryBoth DC and Marvel have had their moments of confusion regarding the numbering of legacies, especially when reboots and special editions They complicate the count. In case of such an iconic character with such a long careereach number is a step towards important goals, like the long-awaited Batman #1000.
What to expect from Batman #153?
In the meantime, readers are eagerly awaiting the next issue, Batman #153, with cover by Jorge Jiménez and script by Chip Zdarsky. This new story promises to be so epic, with a Bruce Wayne determined to transform Gotham into a better city. However, the question is: Does your vision of a reborn Gotham include the Riddler?who seems to have left his bad guy days behind? Moreover, a new creepy hero is introducedHim Commander Staras Gotham faces the shocking murder of one of its most prominent citizens.
With all these elements, it is clear that The Bat Man storyline will continue to capture readers’ attention, both for its narrative and the mysteries behind its numbering.. Now, it remains to be seen whether DC Comics will change that little detail in the legacy issues or whether they will decide to move forward with the potential mistake. What is clear is that, in the world of comics, even numbers tell stories.