Batman and the Gotham police secret code to refer to the Joker


Before you call Batman, find a warning sign that will destroy the entire Gotham police force against the Clown Prince of Crime’s methods.

In the last episode of Batman, we immerse ourselves in the streets of Gotham, where justice and chaos dance to the tune of the Joker. The adventures of the Clown Prince of Crime in this city have forced the Gotham City Police Department (GCPD) to adopt a special code for his crimes.

After a devastating conflict in Gotham, a “missing” Catwoman and plans to redeem low-level criminals fall apart, Gotham’s hooded man is estranged from his active family. In this desolate place, the Joker sees his golden opportunity and emerges with a cunning plan in issue #139.

Argument code

Batman takes a more basic crime-fighting approach, with Nightwing cut off from Oracle’s support network and hanging on to him at any moment. From his Gotham apartment, with a police scanner as his only company, the hero’s attention is drawn to the “7-20” crime, the GCPD’s notorious code for Joker-related crimes. The reason behind this number? It’s a mystery that even fans are invited to theorize on social media.

As Batman investigates this crime, we enter a new narrative arc outlined by Chip Zadarsky and mastered by Jorge Jimenez and Tomoe More. Zadarski invites us to explore the vision of the classic hero, detective and taciturn, who once again confronts the mastermind of the riots.

Batman, DC Comics

The return of the puzzle and the death trap

The Joker, long aware of Batman’s secret identity, sets a trap for him that repeats the most significant tragedies of his wake, suggesting that fateful events truly defined his path as a hero.

The revelation of the “backup personality”, Zur-N-Arr’s Batman, adds new complexity to the Dark Knight’s already chaotic mind. Awakened in dire situations, this personality fights for control, adding tension to a mind game where the Joker seems to hold all the cards.

Zur-N-Arrh Batman is released

When Zur-N-Arr’s Batman emerges, the saga takes an unexpected turn. What secret goal is the Joker pursuing with this? And how will the superhero’s violent and violent personality affect Gotham if left in charge?


Gotham City, home to countless battles between good and evil, is set for an unprecedented clash. As the Joker comes up with his latest plan, Batman must face not only his enemy, but his inner demons as well. This fight is not only for the safety of the metropolis, but also for the soul of the guardian.

The psyche of a beleaguered hero

The excitement could not be higher; Batman’s broken psyche teeters dangerously on the brink. Known for his ruthless nature and extreme tactics, Zur-N-Arr’s Batman poses a threat not only to the Joker, but to anyone who crosses his path. This duality between order and chaos puts all of Gotham in a life or death situation.

As fans anticipate and speculate, one question remains, overshadowing all others: Can the real Batman emerge victorious from this internal struggle, or will the city succumb to the rise of the Zur-N-Rh Batman? “Mindbomb,” the next chapter in the Batman Saga, promises to reveal the answers and leave an indelible mark on the Dark Knight’s legacy.